File Download of Chapters, 19 October 2007

This page contains links to book chapter files which were used in preparing the 4th edition of Games and Information. Some can be printed, most can't, and some aren't available as PDF's at all, as indicated below. (I'd like to give incentives to do the sensible thing and buy the book rather than pay the same social cost in printer ink, labor, and a binder). I find that in Firefox I can't read some of the pdf files in my browser, but I can read them if I download them and open them on my local computer. Try that if you have trouble.

For answers to odd-numbered questions and other supplemental materials, go to .

The figure graphics files are in this directory, or by figure via the diagrams page, or as or figures.zipp (large files, about 5M in size).

Click on the appropriate link under the file's description to begin downloading. To view Adobe PDF files, you will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it installed.

The Table of Contents. Printable. table_of_contents.pdf (47k), table_of_contents.tex (11k).
Preface. Printable. a2_pre.pdf (129 k), a2_pre.tex (29 k).
Introduction. Printable. a3_intro.pdf, a3_intro.tex.
Chapter 1: The Rules of the Game. Printable. chap01.basics.pdf, chap01.basics.tex.
Chapter 2: Information. Not in PDF. .
Chapter 3: Mixed and Continuous Strategies. Not printable. chap03.pdf (288 k), chap03.mixed.tex (77 k).
Chapter 4: Dynamic Games with Symmetric Information. Not in PDF. chap04.perfectness.tex.
Chapter 5: Repeated Games. Not printable. chap05.pdf, chap05.repeated.tex.
Chapter 6: Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information. Not printable. chap06.pdf (247 k), chap06.pbe.tex.
Chapter 7: Moral Hazard. Not printable. chap07.pdf (277 k), chap07.MoralHazard.tex (70 k).
Chapter 8: Further Topics in Moral Hazard. Not printable. chap08_MH_Topics.pdf, chap08.MH_Topics.tex .
Chapter 9: Adverse Selection. Not printable. chap09.adsel.pdf (311 k), chap09.adsel.tex (81 k).
Chapter 10: Mechanism Design. Not in pdf. chap10_mechanisms.tex (109k).
Chapter 11: Signalling. Not printable. chap11_signalling.pdf (265 k), chap11_signalling.tex (73 k).
Chapter 12: Bargaining. Not in pdf. chap12.bargaining.tex.
Chapter 13: Auctions. Not printable. chap13_auctions.pdf (396k), chap13_auctions.tex (88k).
Chapter 14: Pricing. Not in pdf. chap14_pricing.tex.
Mathematical Appendix. Printable. z2_math.pdf (494 k) z2_math.tex (44k).
Bibliography. Printable. z1_biblio.pdf (254 k), z1_biblio.tex (97 k).

Sections Not in the Book. These are sections that were in earlier editions but have been dropped or which I'm writing up for future editions and beta-testing here.
  1. Section 9.5 of the 2nd Edition on Reactive and Wilson equilibrium in tex- ascii and pdf .
  2. Section 10.3 of the 3rd edition, "Myerson Mechanism Design," shortened in the 4th edition, in tex- ascii and pdf .
  3. Part of Chapter 13 of the 2nd Edition on conjectural variation in tex-ascii and pdf .
  4. Chapter 15: Entry, from the 2nd edition, in pdfor tex.

Back. to the Rasmusen Homepage or Games and Information main page.
Maintained by Eric Rasmusen, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, BU 456, 1309 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1701, (812) 855-9219. [email protected]. Please send me comments!