February 24, 2003
This is a page of links on game theory. It is by no means comprehensive, but you can find your way into the main sites from here.

Game Theory Sites

Homepages of People who Use Game Theory
 | For working papers, see the site, Game Theory and Information working papers at the Washington University Working Papers Archive. |
 | Sites for game theory courses include David Levine's PhD course, in Dynamic Game Theory, Eric Rasmusen's MBA course on game theory and strategic thinking, G570, and Eric Rasmusen's PhD course on micro and modelling, G601. |
 | Geoff Wong's Political Game Theory site contains a few games that one could play in a class to illustrate political principles (or, really, the problems from lack thereof). |
 | Resources for Economists on the Internet (by Bill Goffe). This is the standard reference for economics generally. Everything is here, with descriptions of usefulness, in a well-designed website with search capability. |
The Game Theory Society
 | Sergiu Hart - Game Theory and Economic Theory |
Humor: Games People Play song |
 | SSRN (Social Science Research Network) Home Page for working papers on all subjects in economics |
 | Steve Berry's out-of-date Net Resources in Industrial Organization |
 | Fioravante Patrone's Game theory site |
 | Economides' Economics of Networks siteBack to top |

Back to the Rasmusen HomepageMaintained by Eric Rasmusen, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, BU 456, 1309 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1701, (812) 855-9219. E-mail: [email protected].