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December 09, 2004

Gross State Product Statistics

I happened across a table of Gross state products from the BEA, Dept. of Commerce. Here are a few, from 2001, in millions of dollars (so US GNP is about 10 trillion, and Vermont is 19 billion)

US 	 	        10,137,190
 Alaska 	 	    28,581
 California 	         1,359,265
 Florida 	 	   491,488
 Illinois 	 	   475,541
 Indiana 	 	   189,919
 New York 	 	   826,488
 Texas 	 	           763,874
 Vermont 	            19,149
 Wyoming 	     	    20,418

California is 13% of American GDP, which makes it more important than most countries.

Posted by erasmuse at December 9, 2004 08:56 AM

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