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December 17, 2004
Economagic Charts: The Inflation Rate
I am browsing through data sites for next semester. Free stock and macro data is well represented on the Web, but business data is a little harder to come by, except in the fee-based services to which my university subscribes.
One good site for macro data is
Economagic, which allows easy
construction of Gif charts like the
inflation one I've put here.
It's interesting how the monthly rate zigs and zags. Is this measurement error-- that when one month is high due to positive measurement error, the next is low due to negative error? Or, perhaps, Fed corrections? This is the sort of things time-series econometricians study, and they no doubt have answers.
Posted by erasmuse at December 17, 2004 10:20 AM
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On inflation zigzags - I'd say sampling variation. It can't be Fed corrections - long and variable lags and all that.
If you do find evidence for negatively autocorrelated measurement error, the CPI would be interested to know that.
Posted by: randy at December 17, 2004 11:37 AM