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January 05, 2005

Planned Parenthood and Planned Failure

The WSJ Best of the Web reports on tests by Consumer Reports:
The strongest condom was the Durex Extra Sensitive Lubricated Latex. And the weakest? "A melon-colored model distributed by Planned Parenthood performed the worst, bursting during a test in which the latex condoms were filled with air."

The report adds that CU "says its review of contraceptives was not politically motivated, although there is an intense debate among health professionals and advocacy groups about the focus on abstinence-only education by the Bush administration."

"We plan our testing programs quite a while in advance," Metcalf tells Reuters. "This is purely accidental." One might say the same about children whose parents use Planned Parenthood condoms.

As I've discussed before, one third of Planned Parenthood's income comes from abortion clinics, about the same as from donations and government grants. So maybe the bad birth control is a way to reduce costs and increase revenues at the same time.

Posted by erasmuse at January 5, 2005 02:28 PM

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