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January 21, 2005

Setting up TypeKey for Movable Type

With much labor, I have set up the Typekey registration for my weblog. As a result, anybody wishing to comment must sign up with Typekey. When you try to comment, you are given instructions for this easy procedure, which takes effect instantly and is useful for lots of different blogs. The advantage is that spammers don't sign up....

... This is a standard feature of Movable Type 3 blog software, and can be turned on easily. The problem comes in filling in the boxes. Typekey asks for the address of the weblog, e.g., http://www.rasmusen.org/x/, but that is actually not enough. In addition, as Pdq's Views explains, it seems one needs the address where you put your movable type software, e.g., http://www.rasmusen.org/mt-new/. To play it safe, I also included the address of my archives, http://www.rasmusen.org/x/archives/. If you have problems commenting, please let me know and I'll tweak it some more.

Posted by erasmuse at January 21, 2005 03:11 PM

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