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February 05, 2005

Leftwing Blogs and the Ward Churchill Affair

As I noted on Feb 4 , Eugene Volokh, Steven Bainbridge, and Instapundit all weighed in on Feb. 4 on whether the University of Colorado should fire Professor Ward Churchill, and all agree with my position: No, of course not; all he's doing is stating an unattractive political position.

What of the Left? Brian Leiter clearly supports Churchill, though only by implication. Crooked Timber agrees with Bainbridge. My searches of other leftish blogs have either revealed no mention, or offense taken at rightish blogs saying Ward Churchill shows what leftists are like. I find lots of boring posts on details of social security, but nothing on freedom of speech. Have I missed something? (quite possible-- I'm serious, because I was curious what the Left would say about this) Are the leftish blogs scared, unconcerned, or just slow? UPDATE, FEBRUARY 9: I see more commentary by now; I think they're just slow or don't think academic freedom is an interesting topic.

Posted by erasmuse at February 5, 2005 02:41 PM

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