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February 09, 2005

Ian Blair: Britain's Top Policeman is PC to the Core

Melanie Phillips posts on the British police:

I have been rubbing my eyes in astonishment at the blizzard of pronouncements over the past few days by the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair. He has long been referred to as the 'PC pc' on account of his relentless, on-message polyversity-speak. But now he has become Britain's most senior policeman, some of the things he has been saying and doing are, to put it mildly, alarming....

In an interview in Saturday's Telegraph, appositely headlined 'Offbeat ideas of the nation's top policeman', he was asked whether the Met was still 'institutionally racist'. He replied:

'Yes it's institutionally racist because all organisations are at the moment, but we've moved on hugely'.


' "I'm relaxed about cannabis," he says. "My job is to deploy the resources I have in the best way, and I don't think [arresting people who smoke cannabis] is the best way." '

So it's zero intolerance of cannabis; in other words, business as usual in stoking the tinder of the rising drugs conflagration.

But maybe the most alarming observation of all was published in another interview in the Sunday Times, in which Sir Ian said:

'There is nothing wrong with being an Islamic fundamentalist. The question is how we help the vulnerable young who are attracted to violence.'

Ye gods. Even the normally cool interviewer, Jasper Gerard, was astonished by this....

Posted by erasmuse at February 9, 2005 11:11 PM

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