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February 17, 2005

Hoppe Academic Freedom Case at Nevada

I've blogged before on the case of Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe at Nevada who was punished for casual classroom remarks on homosexuals and time preference, on February 6 and February 8. I haven't had time to develop the story, but I've accumulated some links. . . .
. . .
  1. His own website, Hanshoppe.com
  2. The UNLV punishment letter of February 9 (pdf)
  3. UNLV press release of February 10 with the standard bureaucratic plea that "even though all the evidence makes us look like disgraces to academia, we won't defend ourselves, even though we have secret evidence that we won't release that would make us look like angels":
    UNLV was following established procedures in this review process, which included a thorough investigation of all facts in the matter, as well as faculty and student review. In this particular case, the faculty member chose to release his name and interpretation of certain selected events to the public. In order to protect the rights of the faculty member and the complainant, as well as the integrity of the process, the university simply cannot disclose the facts surrounding this incident.
  4. Articles laying out the situation: The February 5 Review-Journal article, February 8 Nevada Sun article, Feb. 12 Nevada Appeal
  5. A February 10 editorial in the campus newspaper defending Hoppe
  6. My September 2004, pre-controversy, post on Hoppe's book, Democracy-- The God that Failed
  7. Weblogs:Mises Economics, History News Network, Bryan Caplan, Precinct 333
  8. Karen De Coster links page of February 6
  9. here and here on February 6
  10. A Frontpagemag.com article
  11. Some sites which did NOT mention the case when I checked them on February 15:
    1. ACLU (even though they are defending him, and have press releases on most of their cases, I couldn't find this one listed)
    2. UNLV Faculty Senate and its Academic Freedom and Ethics Committee (which has no website; members are Joel Wisner BUS 2 EDU 2 To be elected. ENGR 2 To be elected. Cathie Kelly FA 1 Joan MacDonald HS 2 William Werner HOA 1 LAW 2 To be elected. Jennifer Ramsey LA 2 Cory Tucker LIB 2 Joe Nesbitt PROSTAFF 1 Donna Weistrop SCI 1 UC 2 To be elected. Dick McCorkle UA 2 Peter Bayer (SR)* (C))
    3. National AAUP and the NFA (Nevada AAUP affiliate)
    4. The National Association of Scholars (Nevada affiliate has no website. President is David Fott, Poli Sci UNLV, [email protected])
    5. The American Economic Association
    6. The Torch (FIRE weblog)

Posted by erasmuse at February 17, 2005 09:17 PM

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