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February 24, 2005

University Misbehavior Archive

I've collected links to various posts on university misconduct, incompetence, and academic freedom here. I know I should combine some of the posts now, rather than stringing things out chronologically, but I probably won't get round to it for some years, if ever. . . .
. . .
  1. Hans Hoppe 2005, Nevada libertarian economist, homosexuality and Feb. 17 link collection and three Feb. 8 links and the Feb. 6 story.

  2. Ward Churchill 2005, Colorado lefty activist,, Feb. 8 smallpox blankets lie , and consideration of possible reasons to fire him. good and bad, and my doubts about those claiming he is *not* an Indian, and Colorado College republicans, other complainers.

  3. Hans Muller, fellow traveller Nobel laureate biologist, 1940s

  4. FERPA, Buckley Amendment, stupid privacy rules

  5. ADA, test-taking special privileges for rich kids

  6. Nona Gerard Penn State Case, 2003, lesbian theatre professor, Primary Documents Scanned In and Neutral 1930's Germans and 21-Century Professors; Nona Gerard Penn State Case; Michael Berube; Donors of Theatres to Universities and Harvard's Lack of Used Bookstores; Norms; Procedural Protections; Michael Berube and Erin O'Connor on the Nona Gerard Case at Penn State. Penn newspaper articles from March 3, January 21, and some other day. ; Nona Gerard Stripped of Tenure and Fired at Penn State-Altoona for Criticizing Colleagues. 04.03.02a.htm ; Nona Gerard's Tenure Loss at Penn State; Tenure and Hurting Your College; Ole- Lena- PennState-Murderer on What to Disclose. 04.03.05a.htm . Nona Gerard Stripped of Tenure and Fired at Penn State- Altoona for Criticizing Colleagues. 04.03.02a.htm ; Brian Leiter on Penn State-- note dean's 5-0 claim March 3 on Penn State from Erin O'Connor

  7. An article by Professor Demingin which he mentions his favorable evaluation for praising President Boren.

  8. Classroom bias at Yale, Yale Free Press Survey 2004

  9. Arizona discrimination against white males 2004

  10. The Old UCLA Daily Bruin Rooster Campus Censorship Incident (1980s); James Taranto; Rasmusen Letter

  11. Gollin, 2003, Illinois physics prof, diploma mills. Affair Update: Legal Angle. and The Gollin Case of Weblog Suppression at Illinois. and Gollin Academic Freedom Affair: Facts and Gollin Academic Freedom Affair: Commentary

  12. Murderers As Professors.

  13. Controversy Over The Rasmusen Weblog (2003)
  14. The Affirmative Action Loyalty Oath at UCLA (2004) Medical School

  15. Penn Psych case about tenure denial.

  16. Professor Jack V. Matson, Environmental Engineering,Penn State's University Park campus, on Nona Gerard and other evidence of problems at Penn State.

  17. "Columbia U. Releases Edward Said Chair Donors: Names Arab Government, " Front Page on a chair funded by foreigners and given to a political activist to help administer U.S. federal funds.

  18. Martin Kramer on how a professorship donated by someone to counter anti_Israel sentiment was, predictably, given to an anti-Israel intellectual.

  19. Title VI; African Studies Boycott of Wisconsin; Anti- Americanism on Campuses. 04.04.02d.htm

  20. Organizational Incompetence: U. of Texas Can't Update Its Webpages, from Leiter

  21. The Dillon Law School Data Theft Affair (2003) and The Dillon Affirmative Action Story

  22. Georgetown Law School's Suppression of the Catholic Position on Homosexuality. 2003/03.12.23d.htm

  23. Does Yale Law School Discriminate by Religion in Condemning Discrimination by Religion? 2003/03.12.19a.htm

  24. Tom Smith on the Prejudices of Duke Faculty; Poli Sci Chairman Munger's Story. 04.02.16b.htm

  25. Indiana University Tops in Administration Response to Affirmative-Action Bake Sale. 2003/03.12.16d.htm

  26. Stanley Kurtz, Anti-Americanism, and Title VI. 04.04.11b.htm

  27. Naomi Wolf, Harold Bloom, Yale, and Accusations Against Professors. 04.02.28b.htm

  28. A Backdoor Hate Speech Code at IU? Faculty Governance; Voting Order; Sneaking New Clauses into Contracts or Legislation. 04.03.03a.htm

Posted by erasmuse at February 24, 2005 07:59 PM

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