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March 01, 2005

The Open Anti-Semitism of the British Labour Party

The London Times

reports on the openly anti-Semitic Labor Party campaign against the Jewish leader of the Conservative Party, Michael Howard. This apparently is in appeal to British Moslems, an ominous sign of how Moslem immigration can turn domestic politics in a nasty direction. Let fans of terrorist groups like the PLO immigrate, and how else do you expect the politicians to respond?

Yesterday, The Mail on Sunday rightly published two striking photographs side by side. Both are carefully staged, with a Fagin figure holding an old-fashioned pocket watch on a chain. The first is a picture of Barry Humphries actually playing Fagin. The second is a Labour Party poster of Michael Howard, carefully chosen to fit the Fagin image .

The second picture has, of course, been doctored by Labour. The watch and chain have been added. The relationship between the two poses is obviously intentional; there is even an unusual knot in the watch chain that appears in both. We are intended to associate Mr Howard with Fagin, that is with a sinister Jewish criminal as seen by anti- Semites.

This is part of the Labour pre-election campaign. Another Labour Party poster, to be seen on the Labour website, shows Michael Howard and Oliver Letwin as two flying pigs. Recently Mike O’Brien, the Trade Minister, wrote an article for a Muslim newspaper that questioned whether Mr Howard could be trusted to support Muslims. Last year Ian McCartney, the chairman of the Labour Party, compared Mr Letwin to Fagin.

The steering group for the Labour election campaign consists of 12 members, led by Alan Milburn and Alastair Campbell. It includes Darren Murphy, who is the Downing Street press officer. All 12 are close to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister himself should be regarded as fully responsible for the policies of his campaign, which is largely run by his political friends.

The posters have not been withdrawn since the first complaints were made.

Posted by erasmuse at March 1, 2005 02:21 PM

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