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March 03, 2005
Fixing the Weblog: Switching to WordPress and DreamHost
Rather than try to reconstruct this, I will in a week or two change both software and hardware.It looks as if Wordpress is superior to Movable Type as blog software, so I'll try moving to that. Not only does MT not work as it's supposed to, but it's anti-spam features are feeble, it doesn't have a "notify commenter" feature, automatic trackbacks don't work, and it doesn't allow convenient reorganization of categories (possibly the most important feature).
I am also not happy with Powweb, the company which has the computer that hosts my website. Powweb is cheap and has lots of disk space-- way more than I need-- but it is often slow, does not have much documentation, and does not allow a telnet connection that would let me log in and use unix commands. ince I can only use FTP, I can't delete entire directories, for example. So I'm thinking of moving to Dream host .
The domain name (www.rasmusen.org) won't have to change-- it's independent of the computer used.
Posted by erasmuse at March 3, 2005 07:45 AM
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