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September 11, 2004

Latest at Politics Weblog

Here's the latest at my Politics Weblog:

        Kerry's Reserve Service

        Signature Expert Matley on the CBS Forgeries

        Kerry's Second Choice, after Swifboats-- PBR Combat Duty

        The CBS Forgeries: Why?

        Kerry, Studds, Crane, Frank, Gingrich, Livingston, Clinton...

        What if the Navy Makes President Kerry Return His Medals?

        McCain's Reasons For Not Wanting Anyone Checking on Medals

        Kerry's Senate Testimony: 3000 refugees, 200,000/year Murders by Americans

        Taranto on Bush-Kerry as Deciding Who to Hire

        Polling Trends and Media Bias, 1936 to 2000

        The NYT and Boston Globe Fail in Attempts to Smear Bush

Posted by erasmuse at September 11, 2004 05:10 PM

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