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September 17, 2004

Uni High Nostalgia-- Marie Williams Bellet

At the 2004 Foursquare Reunion, which now has a photo database sortable by keywords, I learned that Marie Williams Bellet has come out with a few CD's that sound interesting:

Drawing on her experience as a mother of seven, Bellet sings of the everyday life of a wife and mother, and offers a vision of what it means to be a "fulfilled" woman today. Heartfelt lyrics are brought to life by Marie's rich singing.

Mine was one of the few classes that lacked a Williams (Marie was '78, I think), but I was fond of her brother John, who has become a priest and will no doubt be a bishop some day-- I had him pegged to become a successful conservative Congressman.

Posted by erasmuse at September 17, 2004 10:01 AM

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