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November 08, 2004

Links Recommended by Stromata/Veal

Tom Veal's Stromata has a list of his favorite blogs that is worth noting. Here's a sampling, without his numbering:

  • Hoystory -- This guy ought to have his own syndicated column.
  • Iraq the Model --The antidote to the American media’s doom and gloom
  • Nixatron Blog-Times -- Omnium gatherum of political news and opinion
  • Armavirumque -- Group blog of The New Criterion, a great cultural magazine
  • Cronaca -- Art, archeology, history, a dash of politics
  • Bjørn Stærk Blog -- Imagine what it must be like to be a young, right- of-center pundit in Norway!
  • Arthur Chrenkoff -- An Australian who is best known for publicizing the abundant good news from Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Right Wing News -- What the name implies, with a good sense of humor

Posted by erasmuse at November 8, 2004 01:40 PM

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