G570: Thinking Strategically

G570: ``Thinking Strategically''

SPRING 2002 (second eight weeks), October 23, 2002

Each web page linked below has the main topics for the session, assigned readings, extra materials, and key terms. Each also has a ``Central Idea'', the big idea for the day, and an ``Antithesis'', an example of a wrong or oversimplistic idea one might have in the absence of taking this class.

  1. 3/5 Decision Trees and Game Trees. DN 1, DN 2, Nobel--Nash.

  2. 3/7 Simultaneous-Move Games. DN 3.

    3/11-3/15 SPRING BREAK

  3. 3/19 Cartel Stability. Kleit.

  4. 3/21 Creating Cooperation. DN 4, Koselka.

  5. 3/26 Commitment. DN 5, Quiz 1.

  6. 3/28 Credibility . DN 6.

  7. 4/2 Strategic Complements and Substitutes. Besanko, Dranove, and Shanley.

  8. 4/4 Signalling. McMillan pp. 65-75, Spence materials.

  9. 4/9 Price Discrimination. Deneckere, Quiz 2.

  10. 4/11 Mixed Strategies. DN 7.

  11. 4/16 Incentives for Effort and Truth. DN 12.

  12. 4/18 Bargaining. DN 11, Krishna.

  13. 4/23 Auctions. DN 12: 319-25. McMillan pp. 133-149, Vickrey.

  14. 4/25 Internet Auction Design. Rasmusen, Roth and Ockenfels.

5/2,Thursday, 12:30-2:30, Final Examination.

Return to the Thinking Strategically Home Page, at URL: http: //pacioli.bus.indiana.edu/erasmuse/g570/g570.htm.

Send comments to Prof. Rasmusen.