
George Floyd

The definitive article is Who Killed George Floyd?Minnesota’s attorney general needs to pay attention to the available evidence, which in this case is incontrovertible. George Parry, American Spectator, August 6, 2020. He notes that the fentanyl level in Floyd’s blood was three times what has killed some overdose victims, and discusses the cause of death at length.

I wonder if the police officers could win a defamation suit against the mayor and others who had access to the webcam coverage and kept it concealed because it would show they were lying? It’s hard to win a defamation suit if you count as a public figure– basically, you have to prove the defendant knew what he said was a lie at the time he said it– but this is a pretty extreme case, and the mayor hurt their professional reputations, which in some states’ laws makes it easier to win.

The George Floyd videos, which can be seen in this CNN article, show Floyd on the ground next to a police car with a policeman’s knee on his neck holding him down. George FLoyd with knee on neck

The video doesn’t show any police brutality. Four officers caught a large muscular black man (6-4, 223 lbs., 46 years old)passing counterfeit bills and he resisted them and was forced to the ground, where he was restrained. The autopsy shows that he did not die of lack of oxygen, that he had marijuana, fentanyl and meth in his system , and that he had 20+ scars and 8 tattoos> he had “severe” heart disease, and died because his heart stopped, not because he was suffocated.

I would like to find all the tweets of nice conservatives who said Floyd was “murdered”. That is slander. It was a rush to judgement based on blind trust in the mainstream media and liberal politians, and anyone who said that should retract it. It seems what happened is that he was arrested while under the influence of multiple dangerous drugs, got excited, and had a heart attack brought on by his existing severe heart disease.

I will add here details about his criminal convictions and being an actor in a porn movie and moiving away from his children in Texas to go live in Minnesota.

August 25. It turns out that George Floyd’s lungs were enlarged and full of fluid–pulmonary edema, one of the symptoms that someone has overdosed on fentanyl (tho he had covid19 too). This is significant, because though we already knew his fentanly blood level was several times the level that can cause death, if he was a heavy-using addict, it might have not been fatal. But apparently he wasn’t a heavy enough user to tolerate so high a level.


“Would Derek Chauvin Receive Qualified Immunity for Killing George Floyd?The answer speaks volumes about the extent to which that doctrine protects police officers from liability for outrageous conduct.” Jacob Sullum in Reason. The odd thing is that people like Sullum don’t seem to ask themselves why the policeman kneeling on Floyd’s neck would have anything to do with him dying of a heart attack, which presumably was brought on by the fentanyl, meth, and the earlier struggle that ended up with him on the ground. Qualified immunity wouldn’t even come into play if there’s no harm from the kneeling– or, at least, not except that getting a suspect excited isn’t illegal under current law.

“The Two Autopsies Of George Floyd Aren’t As Different As They Seem”FiveThirtyEight. An intelletually dishonest article. They are different.

The transcript is out. It shows Floyd as a pitiful character, drugged out of his mind, not really understanding what the police are asking him to do (show his hands, get in the car, etc.), paranoid and rambling and polite but disobeying all their orders as if he wasn’t really listening. A bystander thinks he’s having a heart attack and urges him to cooperate with the police. I can’t tell if he says he was having trouble breathing before the knee on the neck or not, but it does look like it was before he was on the ground. From pages 11 to 13:

Kueng: Get in the car!
George Floyd: Can I get in the front, please?
Kueng: No, you’re not getting in the front.
George Floyd: I’m claustrophobic, Mr. Officer.
Kueng: Get in the car!
George Floyd: Okay,man, okay! I’m nota bad guy man!
Kueng: Get in the car !
George Floyd: I’m not a bad guy! Man, [inaudible 00:10:02] Please, Mr. Officer! Please!
Kueng: Take a seat!
George Floyd: Please! Please! No, [inaudible 00:10:10 ].
Kueng: Take a seat.
George Floyd:vI can’t choke, I can’t breathe Mr. Officer! Please! Please!
Kueng: Fine.
George Floyd: My wrist, my wrist man. Okay, okay. I want to lay on the ground. I want to lay on the ground. I want to lay on the ground!
Lane: You’re getting in the squad.
George Floyd: I want to lay on the ground ! I’m going down, going down, I’m going down.
Kueng: Take a squat
George Floyd: I’m going down
Speaker 9: Bro, you about to have a heart attack and s– man, get in the car!
George Floyd: I know I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe [crosstalk 00:10:18 ].
Lane: Get him on the ground.
George Floyd: Let go of me man , I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.
Lane: Take a seat
George Floyd: Please, man. Please listen to me.
Chauvin: Is he going to jail?
George Floyd: Please listen to me.
Kueng: He’s under arrest right now for forgery. [inaudible 00:11:04 going on.]
George Floyd: Forgery for what? for what?
Lane: Let’s take him outand just MRE.
George Floyd: can’t f– breathe man.I can’t f– breathe.
Kueng: Here, Come on out!
George Floyd: (inaudible 00:11:10) thank you. Thank you.
Thao: Just lay him on the ground.
Lane: Can you just get up on the, I appreciate that, I do.

The George Floyd transcript is pretty cruddy– and this, the most important case in the history of Minneapolis. (I’ve cleaned it up in this blog post, but look at how unprofessional the original is.) My guess is that the City was legally required to release it, and delayed as long as they could, and they wanted to make it as hard as possible for anybody to read it because it goes against the lies the mayor has been telling. I wonder whether the officers could win if they sued the mayor. It’s hard for a “public figure” which they count as, when you’re slandered, but you can still win if you can show the slanderer knew he was lying, and things like having a transcript you keep away from public view might be adequate evidence.

The autopsy showed George Floyd had Covid19, and apparently he knew it. No mask tho. I wonder if that will cost him his liberal support. Transcript,p.10:

Kueng: You need to take a seat right now!
George Floyd: And I just had COVID man, don’t want to go back to that.
Lane: Okay, roll the windows down.”
George Floyd: Dang, man
Lane: Listen !
George Floyd: I’m not that kind of guy.
Lane: I’ll roll the windows down if you put your legs in all right? put the air on .
George Floyd: [inaudible 00:08:57] look at that, look at that. Look at it!
Speaker 8: You’re not even listening. We can fix it, but not while you’re standing out here.
George Floyd: Okay,man. God,y’all do me bad man. Man, I don’t want to try to win [crosstalk 00:09:09 ] I don’t want to try to win.
Speaker 9: Quit resisting bro.

Floyd criminal record

Slander and George Flloyd. Calling someonme a murderer with inadequate reason is slander, if false. A huge number of people including conservatives, are guilty of slander of the police officers in the George Floyd case. I should put together a list of the slanders.