
Back to Separate Drinking Fountains?

The South used to famously have separate drinking fountains for blacks and whites. I was wondering whether liberals might take us back to something like that. In my town, Bloomington, university people tend to fear and despise “county people” (“Trump voters”, “Wal-Mart shoppers”) . With covid-19, their fear includes fear of infection from diseased, maskless, vermin. Will we see separate drinking fountains for those with BA degrees and without?

That hasn’t happened, to be sure. But in Wal-Mart today I was thirsty and I realized the liberals have made it superfluous. They simply have banned public drinking fountains altogether. Wal-Mart had taped up its drinking fountains. Ritual uncleanness is rendered impossible; the children of the rich will not face temptation, even if they are so reckless as to enter a Wal-Mart.