Aphorisms on Writing, Talking, Listening in the Internet Age (Supplanted by https://www.rasmusen.org/rasmapedia/index.php?title=Notes_for_My_Book-in-Progress_on_Writing,_Talking,_Listening_and_Thinking)

This page will be for things to add to my “Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening”, which I am turning into a short book to be finished in 2021. In July 2020 we started what my son Ben calls The Club on my deck, young men who sit on the deck with me as I … Continue reading Aphorisms on Writing, Talking, Listening in the Internet Age (Supplanted by https://www.rasmusen.org/rasmapedia/index.php?title=Notes_for_My_Book-in-Progress_on_Writing,_Talking,_Listening_and_Thinking)