This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? Even better than Rafael Robb as an example is Kurt Mitman, managing editor of the Review of Economic Studies. From the Palo Alto Daily Post‘s 2019 “Visiting Stanford scholar is a sex offender”: A visiting scholar at Stanford is a convicted sex offender […]
Author: Eric Rasmusen
This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? There has long been discussion of the Rafael Robb case in economics. Robb was a prominent professor of economics at the University of Pennsylania. His 1993 Econometrica paper with Kandori and Mailath, “Learning, mutation, and long run equilibria in games”, has 2,595 cites, […]
This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? Bill Clinton famously raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978, as even the liberal magazine Vox was pretty much willing to admit by 2017. (Vox didn’t come out and say it quite, but they reported the story in complete detail, showing that the evidence is […]
Professor Spence confused epidemic growth and economic growth today in his Princeton Brunnemeyer talk, I thought, and absolutely failed in explaining his unusual “Doubling Days” graph, which was central to his presentation. I really still have no idea what he meant, and when the moderator asked him, he himself couldn’t explain it. He had five […]
This has turned into a very long post, as I kept discovering new things about Kurt Mitman. I will divide it into sections, a different post for each one. . 1. Bill Clinton famously raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978 2. Rafael Robb: Should Someone Who Brutally Murders His Wife Be a Professor or Journal Editor? […]
Y2K was a big flop. Global warming too. Covid-19 is, so far, with the predictions being utterly wrong. They are similar to Jehovah’s Witness prediction that the Last Judgement would be in 1914. Of course, in none of these cases did the hoaxers admit that they were wrong. President ‘has four years to save Earth’US […]

 Paradigm format: 
 Sensible, φρόνιμος, phronimos [frŏ́nimo̅s], Strong’s 5429. IV-421c. 
 <b> Sensible,</b> φρόνιμος, <i> <font color= blue> phronimos </font color=blue> </i> [fró’nimo̅s], <a href=””> Strong’s 5429</a>. IV-421c. 
 á comes from á (ánthracite, fanátical, appálled) (á,é,í,ó,ú) and comes from <s>a</s>nd ā comes from ā (rāte, bīte, frēe, pōll, rūle) â comes from […]
Inequality by County
A standard measure of inequality is the Gini. Fairfield NY was 214 out of 3,076 counties at .4825 in 2016. Riverside CA is no 1,513 at .4292. My Monroe County, Indiana is .4926. New York is 26 at .52. Wirt WV is no 1 at .71. Camas ID is no. 2 at .61. Sublette WY […]
Parenting Tips
This will be an ongoing list. 1. Don’t let the kids or yourselves interrupt someone else speaking at dinner. This is absolutely crucial if you have five kids, like me. 2. Remember the lawyer’s adage, “Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.” In law, that means don’t ask a witness a question […]
Dissertation Topics
I’ll collect good dissertation topics here. They might be for economics, or sociology, or political science, or law. Anybody can use them freely. Probably you won’t, because most students can’t spot a good topic even if you thwack them across the forehead with it. They all want to come up with a theory of business […]