I wrote an op-ed saying my provost shoudl be fired. I helped start a change.org petition to get UCLA’s Dean Bernardo fired. Was this wrong? Was it hypocritical, as the subject msyself of a change.org petition to be fired? No, not at all. If you believe that Gordon Klein should not have been suspended as […]
Author: Eric Rasmusen
Ways to Make Money
There are a number of ways to make money and do good at the same time that I will probably not get to, so anybody else can do this if they want. Please do let me know, so I can cross them off my list. 
 1. Promote Bob Kaplowitz’s book. 2. Promote the Soul […]
George Floyd
The definitive article is Who Killed George Floyd?Minnesota’s attorney general needs to pay attention to the available evidence, which in this case is incontrovertible. George Parry, American Spectator, August 6, 2020. He notes that the fentanyl level in Floyd’s blood was three times what has killed some overdose victims, and discusses the cause of death […]
This page will be for things to add to my “Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening”, which I am turning into a short book to be finished in 2021. In July 2020 we started what my son Ben calls The Club on my deck, young men who sit on the deck with me as I […]
Rule 48 Dismissal of Charges
[Just notes so far. Maybe this will become a scholarly article.] Has anyone thought seriously about this? By serious thinking, I mean why anybody would want to have such a rule, and how it would apply in particular cases. Real, old-fashioned, doctrinal law, which includes a good dose of public policy. Instead, we have lots […]
Suppose lawyer of a particular ethnic group were favored in appointing judges, regardless of their ability. Would this result in judges from that ethnic group having lower IQ? My first thought was: Yes– as a matter of mathematical necessity. But that is not correct. Indeed, I’ve published to the contrary. “Lowering the Bar to Raise […]
This is notes. The Twitter interchange with the arrogant grad student. One of the profs who talkes to Chinese grad stuents at departmental parties. And toddlers. Mankiw’s brilliance as a student—passing out of all 8 course exams, Princeton prof to dinner, obvious star, law school, naturally though like an ecnomist,charm, poker ability. Thought about emailing […]
This is a very good format for storing words one comes across. I’ll transfer my text file over here at some point, but I’ll start by using this to add new words. 
 ADIAPHORA. Wikipedia: says that for Stoics, “adiaphora” indicates actions morality neither mandates nor forbids. For Christians, “adiaphora” are matters not regarded as […]
I think this would be a good list to compile. It should be stories which are undoubtedly true and factual, with no hint of opinion in them. People who read The New York Times, our idiotocracy, think they are well-informed, but of course it is quite the opposite, adn they’d be much better informed if […]
Judges’ Liking for Frivolous Suits
This is a question I’ve long wondered about. For elected state judges, it’s easy enough to see. When all the county lawyers, Republican and Democrat, are on one side of issue along with all the Democrats, that beats principle plus the Chamber of Commerce, easily. How about federal judges, though? I just thought of a […]