This post will be for notes on typesetting. Wikipedia is a mess on the topic of phonetics. I could do a lot of good editing there. The writers have no idea how to write a useful article. The articles all need links to sound files, and translation of technical linguistics notation and terms to ordinary […]
Author: Eric Rasmusen
Texting turns you into a Moron; Powerpoint, to a Retard; Facebook, to a Bore; Instagram, to an Animal; Twitter, to an Artist. What do I mean by that? I’ll revise this, but here are my thoughts. . Texting. You learn to narrow your vocabulary to short words and abbreviations like LOL. . Powerpoint. You learn […]
Two Dimensions of Virtue
What is virtue? A big question, to be sure, which can be answered lots of ways. Plato came up with the four cardinal virtues of temperance, justice, wisdom, and courage. Aquinas adds the three theological virtues of Faith (pistis), Hope, and Charity (caritas, agape, love). First, let us think about the concept itself. It means […]
. From Teaching Plato. We were in Book IV today, discussing spiritedness, Thymos. I hate it how confusing “y” is in Greek, as in Physics, Phoosis and Toomos. If anyone has any thoughts on what to do about it, let me know. This instant, I have decided to rebel. In transcribing Greek to English, I […]
. From Teaching Plato. . Movies to Watch for Studying Plato’s The Republic: . Coriolanus. . Spartacus. . The Matrix. . A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. . Julius Caesar. . Antony and Cleopatra.
How Long between Oil Changes?
Quora has an interesting thread on this. I should write on it. It’s a great example of people, including engineers, confidently saying all kinds of things that contradict each other. It’s also a good example of how people trust authority blindly without thinking of what the authorities’ financial incentives are. Lots of people say, “Follow […]
A stub. “Covid-19 has made it clear how many people worship Science as a god without having any idea what it means. They say, “Listen to the science,” but what they mean is that if we should be slaves to someone with a PhD in anything labelled “Science”. A big point I should make is […]
This is a stub. I need to write something I can link to as a standard reply to stupid conservatives who insult me on Twitter and elsewhere. Most of the idiots are on the left, and it isn’t any use replying to them, but some are on the right. Those people I can help. The […]
This page is superseded by: I have posts on covid-19 at The CDC’s Job of Collecting Data. Covid-19 Precautions Masks and Slobs Signal, Noise, and CDC Masks Does Professor Menachemi’s Fairbanks-IUPUI Covid-19 Study of Indiana Infection Rates Have a Biased Sample? The Cost of Covid-19 Excommunication by Covid Church, State, and Virus Covid19-August 2020 […]

 Covid-19 has made masks a major issue. I should write more on that. A basic idea is to submit to silliness in order to ease the minds of our silly friends. Other ideas: 1. Don’t believe experts; they have told us they lie all the time. 2. Common sense carries you a long ways– […]