
Psatherella-Psauced Psoba with Egg

I should have had it for Psupper, but I didn’t think of that in time. I put the mushrooms in a saucepan with butter and started the heat. Then I added milk,celery flakes, pepper, salt, and onion powder. I mixed together some flour with cold water and stirred it in to thicken the sauce. I […]


Ex Post vs. Ex Ante Fixes

This is a stub. I need to write on this topic. Applications: 1. Regulation. 2. Online seminar security. You can use passwords, obscure addresses, turn off all mikes, etc. Or you can be ready to close down zoombombers if they happen to arrive. 3. Teaching in an epidemic. In the business school, we professors were […]


Useful Stories

I will put together wise stories that are useful for making points. This will be very good for my children when it is done. The first step is just to list stories. 1. The old lady in the attic and the naked boys in the creek. 2. The little boy who couldn’t stand […]


Excommunication by Covid

Ecclesiosogy– the theology of the Church– is hugely underdeveloped and neglected, despite being almost as practically important as ethics. Why that should be so is an interesting question in itself. Why are theologians attracted to the topics (e.g., the Trinity) that have the least application to any decisions we make? They like to answer the […]


Alberto Alesina

Notes from his memorial service on Saturday, May 30. “My only task was to read him his email once a day.”RA. Shleifer. Alesina didn’t care about he theory, or the statistics– he cared about the truth. Note: thsi si contrary to the idea that we are too mathy in economics these days. He ws good […]



I will add quotes to this as I come across them. I think I will twitterize some— improve them by shortening and tightening them to twitter length. ################# ANONYMOUS. They took the con out of econometrics. They took me out of metrics. Now, all that’s left is trics. Link or it’s a lie. […]


Translating Plato’s Republic, 370a: Bloom versus the NIV BIble

We found a small contradiction between the first and second editions of Allen Bloom’s translation of The Republic the other day. The episode shows how it can be useful to have different people in a class using different editions or different translations. I have my old 1976-college-freshman first edition, but I ordered newer copies for […]



######################################## Poem #1052 by Emily Dickinson reads: I never saw a Moor– I never saw the Sea– Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven– Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given– Very […]


Bayes’s Rule with Frequency Boxes

I am learning Python and CGI. I wrote up the frequency box explanation I use, inspired by Gerg Gigerenzer, so you can put in a hypothetical disease test and see Prob (diseased|test says you are) visually. I need to fix my github post. I am a novice at this. Comments welcomed. See I was […]


Salvation outside the Church: Pope Francis, Pastor MacArthur, President Trump, and the nice old lady down the street

“Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus” . Outside the Church there’s no salvation. This is a Roman Catholic doctrine, and perhaps a Protestant one too, but understood very differently. One version is that if you do not formally part of the Church Visible, you are damned. Another version is that if you are not part of the […]