
PhD, Law Degree, or Job?

I was just reading a Twitter thread on “pre-docs”: people who go to work for a professor as a research assistant after college for a couple of years before applying to graduate school. This has become quite common. It’s a great way for professors to get good RA’s and students to get experience useful in […]


Back to Separate Drinking Fountains?

The South used to famously have separate drinking fountains for blacks and whites. I was wondering whether liberals might take us back to something like that. In my town, Bloomington, university people tend to fear and despise “county people” (“Trump voters”, “Wal-Mart shoppers”) . With covid-19, their fear includes fear of infection from diseased, maskless, […]


The Cost of Covid-19

Which has caused more harm so far, the virus or people’s reactions? For the US, it looks comparable. unless I’ve missed some zeroes somewhere: 130K deaths, median age 80, $4M/death = $540B. .25Y lockdown, 10% GDP loss, GDP $20T/Y = $500B. This is just for the simple question of “So far, for the USA, what […]


The Hitchwalk Video

Is this the best of the Hitchwalk videos? It would be nice to have one with the rabble’s chants incorporated too. “HitchWalk! Peter Hitchens Ignores Oxford Student Rabble”



Tjhis is not a real post, justa test.


The Harper’s Letter

Harper’s just published on July 7 “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate”. It has plenty of cheap slanderous attacks on the right, accusing Ameria of “racial and social justice” and coming to a “needed reckoning” and calling Donald Trump “a true threat to democracy” and alluding to “right-wing demagogues” who are “exploiting” the well-meaning […]


Brock Turner, the Stanford Swim Team Rapist

(This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals?) But maybe it’s everywhere. I’ve always had contempt for appellate judges as a class because of how they betray the Constitution without the slightest qualm (there are big individual exceptions, of course) but trial judges might be even worse. My wife tells me […]


Further Details on the Kurt Mitman Case from the Pennsylvania Criminal Court Docket

This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? Pennsylvania allows the public to see court dockets for free– good for Pennsylvania!— though I wonder if a lot of entries fell off with updating to the web or weren’t written down in the first place, and the entries aren’t labelled in any […]


The Surprising Tolerance People Have for Child Sodomy Rape in Professor Mitman’s Case: “Boys Will Be Boys.”

This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? Harald Uhlig is another technical macroeconomist editing a major journal. I won’t go into his case at length here; see my Harald Uhlig Fired as Editor of the Journal of Political Economy. It is clear, though, that there are a lot of people, […]


Should Child Sodomy Rapist Kurt Mitman Be a Professor and Editor?

This is part of the split-up post, Should Rapists Edit Scholarly Journals? So we have a sodomy child rapist as a professor in Sweden and joint managing editor of a top journal, the Review of Economic Studies (the “Review of Economic Studs”, as we’d joke about in graduate school— not to be confused with the […]