
A tweet from Dan McClaughlin:


SILENT GENERATION: Learned civics in school.

BOOMERS: Learned civics to protest.

GEN X: Learned civics from Schoolhouse Rock.

MILLENNIALS: Didn’t learn civics.

GEN Z: What’s civics?

Babylon Bee: Trump Drives Around Playing Mailbox Baseball In Latest Voter Suppression Scheme

An old joke.
The day you’re sworn in as a United States Senator, you think to yourself,
“How dare I enter the company of these 99 godlike men!”
A year later, you think to yourself,
“What are these other 99 idiots doing here?”

Wife to marriage counselor: My husband hasn’t spoken to me in years.

Husband: I didn’t want to interrupt her.
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[…] 5. Typos 6. Quotations. 7. Rasmapedia 8. Wikipedia as a vocation 9. Wokefolk Wit and Comment 10. Humor. 11. jkljk […]