
Alberto Alesina

Notes from his memorial service on Saturday, May 30. “My only task was to read him his email once a day.”RA. Shleifer. Alesina didn’t care about he theory, or the statistics– he cared about the truth. Note: thsi si contrary to the idea that we are too mathy in economics these days. He ws good […]



This is a stub, as they say at Wikipedia. I want to figure out whether we’re going to have high inflation in 2021. I will put some notes here, and eventually work them up into a real post. We’re in a curious situation now.  We have massive new government spending.  We are paying for it […]


Tips for Online Seminars (transferred to Rasmapedia)

I’m coming back to the idea of revising my Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening. In particular, though good writing never changes, technology does. I need to talk more about how to use software in writing articles. I need to talk about programming style and posting data and code on the Web. I need to […]