
Texting turns you into a Moron; Powerpoint, to a Retard; Facebook, to a Bore; Instagram, to an Animal; Twitter, to an Artist

Texting turns you into a Moron; Powerpoint, to a Retard; Facebook, to a Bore; Instagram, to an Animal; Twitter, to an Artist.

What do I mean by that? I’ll revise this, but here are my thoughts.

Texting. You learn to narrow your vocabulary to short words and abbreviations like LOL.
Powerpoint. You learn to think in bullet points instead of logically connected thoughts. Tufte, Powerpoint Is Evil.
Facebook. You learn to talk about yourself all the time and show everyone pictures of the beach you went to for vacation.
Instagram. You learn to do without language altogether, reverting to the status of a wild beast. Eventually, perhaps, you attach to one spot and become a vegetable.
Twitter. You learn to cut out unnecessary words and speak concisely.

I mean to be humorous, but this is actually very serious. If you don’t consciously take steps to prevent your brain from eroding, it’s going to happen.