
Wokefolk Wit and Comment

The bad news is that people don’t really get a college education any more, just a good technical education or a few years reading ephemera and being brainwashed to feel superior, and thus we have the wokefolk phenomenon, cancelling, Twitter Culture, and so forth. The good news is that though these people are vicious, their brains are ossified and they are witless in multiple dimensions. I’d like to write more, but I thought I’d start a file with typical Twitter remarks that show their tendency to come unarmed to a battle of wits. I have to be selective, because so many have foul language and I’m trying to clean up the world rather than dirty it more.

apparently you can’t.
ever considered the fact that you’re an unbelievabley boorish moron
i think “you” are the problem, apparently you don’t know how to human
No woman would want to have dinner with a jackass who has this view of life.
Jesus man. Seek help urgently !
i think “you” are the problem, apparently you don’t know how to human
Hey you realize people can like read the things you tweet, right?
Yale. MIT. Yale. Did I mention YAAAALLE? @YPractitioners
On behalf of women, get some therapy.
SO sick of you stupid small minded boomers! WHEN WILL YOU DIE hopefully soon
also go hang yourself in your garage yo
how are u still employed u misogynistic fool
Ok boomer
Shut up nerd
Resign boomer
What do Eric Rasmussen and Trump have in common? Both are deplorable humans.
@erasmuse where and when are your office hours? I am an IU professor and I have the right to come and see you to talk about IU-related matters. Like: why a jerk like you should not teach at IU.
Cold hearted swine…. Taking notes Eric I see….
U may indeed be a serial killer, I know by your racist tweets sociopathy is probably something you’re familiar with. Comments about AA not being able to attend upper-crust universities is laughable, my daughter has an IQ of 146. Your ppl created the environment for that anyway.
You make 200K and we pay your salary. You shouldn’t have turned year. My oldest daughter had you and she told me things that I couldn not believe IU didn’t fired you then. My youngest is at Kelley school as a freshmen and she doesn’t have you. Your karma says a lot about you.
You’re stupid…There isn’t any reason to argue with someone like yourself. Racist, Bigoted and Homophobic??? Why are you even still employed. Oh yeah, you’re an OLD WHITE racist, bigoted and homophobic dude.
Horrible human being. God will punish you.
Actually don’t take care. Get hit by a bus.
why u so ugly :/

I guess this is what they call “emoting”, but I wish people wouldn’t do it all over my nice clean Web.

This also relates to two other points:

1. There are a lot of people who yearn for attention, who just want to express themselves and be heard, even though they don’t have anything to say. They are like the people at long meetings who just like to hear themselves talk. Or, perhaps, they just want company. They would be happy to say, “Yik Yak, Yik Yak” and have other people say, “Yak Yik, Yak Yik,” — literally, I don’t just put yik and yak in as placeholders— because of the human contact. Little girls are like that.

2. They are the people who wreck blog and twitter comment threads, and the old listservs. A blogpost works best if it is not like a lecture class, but a discussion. The blogger says something; the readers respond with something equally intelligent and well informed, often better-informed in fact because they have examples and expertise he doesnt, and the blogger updates in the post and comments back himself in the comments section. This is a form of crowdsourcing.

In small blogs, nobody comments. In medium blogs, this can work very well. But in large blogs, the idiots show up and say, “Yik yak, yik yak” and the good comments become needles in the haystack, drowned in the mental coredump deluge. Then the good commenters just don’t bother, since they want to actually speak to someone and know nobody reads the comments any more. This is a particular problem in blogs on legal questions, because the hoi polloi just want to cheer for their side and don’t care only little bit what the law actually says, and, indeed, find it an unpleasant constraint on their enthusiasm. And, of course, they’re not interested in the technical details, and can’t even perceive them, or why someone would find whether the second item on the preliminary injunction test was really satisfied in this particular case or not.

“I wonder if idiocracy is related to why engineering design is bad. There seem to be a lot of brainless engineers. How can they be blind to poor design? It’s their education. They are good at solving problem sets, and hopeless at figuring how what the problems are.THey don’t know what to ask themselves. THey don’t know what to ask themselves. They can’t do anything but obey orders. They can’t imagine themselves as product users, for example, or see that the product they’re holding in their hand is unusable. All they can see is whether they’ve solved their particular tiny corner of the problem. They need liberal education.”

1 reply on “Wokefolk Wit and Comment”

I’m sorry people said those things to you, that is terrible hurtful.

I would suggest not stooping to their level by commenting on their intelligence or their haughtiness. Anyone who knows anything knows those ad hominem attacks are not a way to find truth. You can just be like look, here are the ways people talk to me, judge for yourself.

The comments don’t say anything really. They are meaningless. There is a large universe out there filled with wonder, and comments like these only serve to occlude it. Focus on the things that matter.

For me I just try to grow and learn more. “Like the little stream making it’s way through the most crevices, I too quietly turn clear and transparent.”

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