A Bloomington Churches Page, 9 August 2008
These are some churches I know or have heard good things about in Bloomington,
Indiana. I've starred the ones I recommend most highly. Comments are welcomed;
email me at [email protected].
1. Faith Lutheran. A Missouri Synod (traditional) Lutheran church
west of
Hyde Park. The pastor (if he hasn't changed) is a very intelligent
man. The service is liturgical-- the same words each week. Lutheran
liturgy takes some getting used to (I went to a Lutheran church during
grad school, and my wife was organist at one for a year), but is sound.
http://faithlutheranbloomington.org/ .
- 2. Exodus*. An independent church about 4 years old and about 200
people/week, in The Stands north of Hyde Park. Pastor Nussbaum used
to be
the college pastor at ECC. He is a good manager, sound in theology,
and very practical in his sermons and services. The sermon I attended,
for example, was about how you can tell if an inner prompting is from
God or just your own whim. The music is with a praise band, and I
found it boring. The church is good at welcoming visitors. http://www.exodusbloomington.org/
- 3. ECC (Evangelical Community Church)*. West of College Mall, in
building of about 2004. Formerly a Presbyterian church, ECC has been
independent since the 1970's. It has sound theology and is action-
oriented. It supports many missionaries. Pastor Whitaker is a very
good preacher. Sherwood Oaks,
Exodus, and Church of the
Good Shepherd all had their roots in ECC. The 6:30 college service,
Connexion, is very popular.
- 4. Church of the Good Shepherd (CGS)* Near Karst Farm Park, on
edge of Bloomington. This church was founded around 2000 when members
of ECC split off in a big dispute over whether Tim Bayly should stay
as pastor at ECC. He is still pastor at CGS. He is a very good
preacher, extremely conservative theologically (though not
liturgically), and a player in international evangelical
theology/politics. People tend to love him or hate him. They have
been meeting in a school gymn but as of 2008 are constructing a
http://site.shepherdchurch.com/app/ . See also Pastor
Bayly's blog at http://www.baylyblog.com/ .
- 5. The Reformed Presbyterian Church. South of Campus. This is a
conservative Presbyterian church, which doesn't believe in using
musical instruments or anything but Psalms in worship. Their Psalm-
only hymnbook is pretty good, though. It must be the
oldest church in town (1821).
6. Sherwood Oaks Christian Church. Southeast of Hyde Park. Sherwood
Oaks is our local megachurch. It is sound theologically. I don't know
much about it. http://www.socc.org/
- 7. Emmanuel Baptist. On the southern edge of Bloomington. I seem
recall it is good, but I can't remember any details. They built a big
new church in about 2007.
- 8. Anointed Harvest Fellowship Church. This is more emotional,
the style of black churches. It meets on Country Club Road on the south side
of Bloomington in the old Sherwood Oaks building.
- 9. Clear Creek Christian Church. South of town near May's Greenhouse. This
is a very old church (1838). I have heard it mentioned favorably. http://www.clearcreekchurch.com