Rasmusen's Mean-Preserving-Spread Story Page, November 10, 2000/January 17, 2001

This will contain the odd story of Rothschild and Stiglitz, Petrakis and Rasmusen, and JET.

September 19, 2000

RE: #00270 COMMENT "A Comment on Rothchild and Stiglitz's `Increasing Risk I: A Definition' by Leshno, Levy and Spector" by Petrakis and Rasmusen

Dear Professor Rasmusen,

I enclose a report on your comment. You are not the only one to have brought this to our attention. The point is correct, but the editorial board does not think that it merits publication for the reasons given in the report.

We were probably not fair to you relative to our treatment of Leshno et al. This is the result of using different associate editors at different times. I apologize for this, but I trust that this is not an urgent matter for you. At any rate, the editorial board is unwilling to compound an error it might have made with printing Leshno et al.

Thank you for allowing the Journal of Economic Theory to review this manuscript.

Sincerely, Karl Shell

The letter above was accompanied by a referee report:

JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY Date Received: AUG 06 2000 Manuscript #00270 COMMENT

Report on MS #00270 Comment "A Comment on Rothchild and Stiglitz's `Increasing Risk I: A Definition' by Leshno, Levy and Spector" by Petrakis and Rasmusen

In their 1970 paper,...

See also, "Riskiness," from the New School, http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/essays/uncert/increase.htm.

J. Hadar and W. Russell (1969) "Rules for Ordering Uncertain Prospects", American Economic Review, Vol. 59, p.25- 34.

G. Hanoch and H. Levy (1969) "The Efficiency Analysis of Choices involving Risk", Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 36, p.335-46.

URL: Php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/papers/mps/mps.htm. Maintained by Eric Rasmusen, E-mail: [email protected]
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