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(Boudreau (Central Michigan, 2021))
(Rasmusen, Eric (Indiana Bus. econ, 2003, 2019))
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==Dorian Abbot  (by MIT, 2021)==
These actually aren't all cancellings. I use this to keep track of the various people persecuted by university administrators,for various reasons. A cancelling proper is where the wokefolk on Twitter, etc. mob someone and try to ruin their reputation.
*[https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/04/09/trans-ideology-is-destroying-the-university/ Spiked-online 2023 article] on English academics persecuted by trans activists.
*[https://hxstem.substack.com/p/lessons-for-the-cancelled "Lessons for the Cancelled,"] Eric Rasmusen, ''Heterodox Academy'' Substack (2023). Practical advice.
I live in Indiana and I am Chair of Committee A (Academic Freedom) of the Indiana Conference of the American Association of University Professors (the AAUP), so it is convenient for me to list Indiana separately.
===Darnowski, Douglas (Indiana Southeast Biology, 2022)===
*[https://www.givesendgo.com/Darnowski His GiveSendGo page]
===Harold Donnelly (Purdue Math, 2023) (See the [[Harold Donnelly]] page)===
===Samia HALABY (Indiana University-Bloomington)===
IU-Bloomington cancelled an exhibit of her abstract art in 2024. 
*Halaby's [https://www.instagram.com/samiahalaby/?hl=en Instagram account], mainly art but with some anti-Israel posters, and [https://www.samiahalaby.com/ Samiahalaby.com], her personal website; and the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samia_Halaby Wikipedia entry on her].
*A good link site, with other things too, is  the IU Organizing Hub's [https://iub-organizing-collective.github.io/iub-oc/index.html "Cancelling Samia Halaby"]
*A [https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/first-open-post-war-contemporary-art-online/samia-halaby-b-1936-6/123798 Christie's auction page] showing one of her paintings that sold for 60,000 pounds, and [https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/modern-contemporary-middle-eastern-art/samia-halaby-palestinian-b-1936-3/182229 another] that went for $57,000.
*Media: [https://indianapublicmedia.org/news/warning-dangerous-art-iu-faculty-plan-teach-in-after-palestinian-artist-samia-halabys-cancellation.php#:~:text=Banks%20threatened%20that%20IU%20could,and%20Halaby's%20exhibit%20was%20canceled. "‘Warning! Dangerous Art!’: IU faculty plan teach-in after Palestinian artist Samia Halaby’s cancellation,"] ''Indiana Public media,'' AUBREY WRIGHT (February 8, 2024).
===[[John Kluge]] (Indiana schoolteacher)===
I plan to set up a special [[John Kluge]] page, but have not done so yet.
*[https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20200109d01 District Court motion to dismiss decision] and [https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=11400471111218599768&q=kluge+john&hl=en&as_sdt=800006&as_ylo=2019  District Court summary judgement decision]  and    his [https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca7/21-2475/21-2475-2023-04-07.html  2023 loss in the 7th Circuit decision (Rovner, J.)]
*Kluge's [https://rasmusen.org/special/Cancellings/KlugeEnBancPetition(FILED).pdf  En Banc Petition] to the 7th Circuit, May 2023.
*[https://nypost.com/2023/04/09/court-backs-teachers-firing-over-transgender-students-name-policy/ New York Post]  2023 article.
*[https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07/13/teacher-who-refused-to-use-transgender-students-chosen-names-loses-lawsuit/ Some other teachers also objected], but weren't willing to be fired and backed down.
*[https://adflegal.org/press-release/indiana-music-teacher-forced-resign-over-pronoun-usage-asks-court-uphold-religious The Alliance Defending Freedom] is helping Kluge.
===Zhihao Kong (Purdue student, Chinese government harassment)===
*[https://www.propublica.org/article/even-on-us-campuses-china-cracks-down-on-students-who-speak-out  "even-on-us-campuses-china-cracks-down-on-students-who-speak-out,"] ''Pro Publica'', Sebastian Rotella (Nov. 2021).
===McPhail, Mark (Indiana U.--Northwest, Gary, 2022)===
[[McPhail, Mark]]  has his own page.
===Purdue students===
*[https://www.thecollegefix.com/purdue-has-students-criminally-charged-for-posters-criticizing-administrator/ Purdue brings criminal vandalism charges against students] for putting up posters criticizing an administrator for going soft on rape.
===Rasmusen, Eric (Indiana Bus. econ, 2003, 2019)===
*[https://hxstem.substack.com/p/lessons-for-the-cancelled "Lessons for the Cancelled,"] Eric Rasmusen, ''Heterodox Stem'' Substack (2023).
*[https://t.co/xxe44vtI4M  "The professor is canceled. Now what? An ‘intolerant’ professor is higher ed’s toughest subject,"]Jack Stripling,''Washington Post'' (June 21, 2023).
*[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7717801/Female-IU-business-students-launch-Female-Genius-hoodie-fundraiser-against-tenured-professor.html "Female Indiana business students launch 'Female Genius' hoodie fundraiser for Girls Inc. after university failed to 'take action' against tenured professor's 'sexist, racist and homophobic' views,"] Daily Mail (2019). A long article with lots of photos,good as a reference. Libellous, though, and I could have won a suit if I'd noticed it before the 1-year statute of limitations ran out (English law makes it far easier to win a defamation case for a "public figure" like me or anyone else who gets into the news).
*[http://www.rasmusen.org/special/2019kerfuffle/ "Eric Rasmusen Twitter Cancelling Page"]
===Sanders, Steve (Indiana Law, 2021)===
*[https://www.thefire.org/did-indiana-university-foia-its-own-professor/ FIRE writeup] of the situation, around Dec. 15.
===Moore, Julie (Taylor, Writing, 2023)===
Julie Moore was not cancelled, but she was fired improperly. After 6 or so years of routine renewals of her one-year untenured contract, she was suddenly told she would not be renewed but could get 6 weeks severance pay if she signed a nondisparagement agreement.
*[https://bethallisonbarr.substack.com/p/following-the-evidence/comments A good summary,] by Beth Barr at her substack (May 10, 2023).
*[https://julielmoore.com/ Julielmoore.com], her poetry website.
*[https://gofund.me/061997b2 Gofundme] site for Julie Moore.
*[https://www.change.org/p/taylor-university-julie-moore-fired-for-teaching-racial-justice?redirect=false Change.org petition]
*Blogs and Substacks
::[https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/shaken-and-heartsick-another-professor Tisby Substack]  and [https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/taylor-university-president-calls  another Tisby Substack]  [https://kristindumez.substack.com/p/racial-justice-and-academic-freedom?utm_source=twitter&sd=pf Kristin DuMez] on Substack, May 4, 2023.
::[https://bethallisonbarr.substack.com/p/following-the-evidence/comments A good summary,] by Beth Barr at her substack (May 10, 2023).
*Media Coverage
::[https://julieroys.com/taylor-university-professor-julie-moore-loses-job-citing-jemar-tisby-syllabus/ Roys Report article] by Bob Smietana with documents and a secret recording of Moore's conversation with her provost.
::[https://religionnews.com/2023/05/03/taylor-english-professor-julie-moore-cited-jemar-tisby-on-her-syllabus-then-she-lost-her-job/?fbclid=IwAR0rKS3Ycg6moNTOlQafLezdP1Wws-XneokDCC5P8xfxeYAqMte9Zorjcjk religionNewscom article] (May 3, 2023) and  the [https://indianapublicradio.org/news/2023/05/taylor-university-professor-says-she-was-fired-for-using-racial-justice-sources/ Indiana Public Radio aricle] of May 2023.
::[https://www.axios.com/local/indianapolis/2023/05/04/taylor-university-julie-moore-christian-college article] in Axios.com, May 4, 2023.
===Sinno, Abdulkader (Indiana-Bloomington)===
*IU [https://polisci.indiana.edu/about/faculty/sinno-abdulkader.html  official faculty webpage] and [https://www.sinno.com/ Sinno.com] personal website with publications, and interviews 2014-2021, and [https://www.sinno.com/assets/sinno_vita.pdf his vita].
*A good link site  is  the IU Organizing Hub's [https://iub-organizing-collective.github.io/iub-oc/content/abdulkader-sinno.html "Suspending Abdulkader Sinno"]
*The [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CbFlUIN8KXaM-oLB01RcDO_1yAi2ew8n/view letter of reprimand] suspending him from teaching for a semester.
*The [https://politicalsciencenow.com/apsa-statement-on-indiana-universitys-sanctioning-of-professor-abdulkader-sinno/ APSA (American Political Science Association) statement] on Sinno.
*Media: [https://www.idsnews.com/article/2024/01/iu-political-science-professor-sinno-suspended-psc-administration-palestine  "IU suspends professor after Palestine Solidarity Committee event. Other faculty denounce the decision,"] IDS (January 9, 2024) and [https://academeblog.org/2024/01/16/in-defense-of-abdulkader-sinno/ John Wilson  at Academe blog] (Jan 16) and [https://www.thenation.com/article/society/indiana-university-suspends-professor/ "Indiana University Caves to Political Pressure by Suspending a Tenured Professor: There is a perfect storm of repression overtaking college campuses, generated by an unholy alliance of far-right Republican politicians,"] JEFFREY C. ISAAC (JANUARY 10, 2024).
===Spiegel, James (Taylor philosophy)===
Not a cancelling, just a Christian college firing a conservative tenured professor for being too Christian.
*[https://jimspiegel.com/ Jimspiegel.com], his website, with his vitae.
*[https://julieroys.com/podcast/fired-taylor-professor-tells-his-story/ "Fired Taylor Professor Tells His Story ,"] Roys Report, Julies Roys, podcast with transcript  (Sept. 17, 2020). This has the background-- the Pence invitation and the Starbucks controversy and the underground newspaper, and also the alumni response.
::The song: "There’s a little Hitler inside of you. There’s a little Hitler inside of me, yes there is. There’s a brutal killer within everyone. The hatred grows inside us naturally. I may seem as civilized as any man, and acts of heroism might even give me a rush. But if you cross me once or twice, you’ll find I’m really not that nice.  I’m tempted to do things that would make Jeffrey Dahmer blush. Because there’s a little Hitler inside . . ."
::“Several Taylor faculty have made posts on social media expressing their support for Black Lives Matter for defunding police and other leftist stances. And several faculty and staff attend a gay affirming church and encourage students to do the same. But the Taylor administrators permit these things.”
::"At the first meeting, we had I was told there had been a complaint. I was not told that there was a formal harassment complaint. It was not until the termination meeting that I learned that there was a formal harassment complaint."
*[https://dailynous.com/2020/09/05/philosophy-professor-fired-posting-song-youtube/ "Philosophy Professor Fired After Posting Song on YouTube,"] ''Daily Nous'' (2020).
*[https://wisdomandfollyblog.com/ "Wisdom and Folly,"]  Spiegel's blog ( ).
*[https://religionunplugged.com/news/2020/9/15/taylor-university-may-not-have-followed-its-own-process-in-dismissal-of-professor "Taylor University May Not Have Followed Its Own Process In Dismissal Of Professor,"]  Warren Smith, ''Religion Unplugged'' (September 5, 2020 ).
*[https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/appeal-to-philosophers-t-come-to-the-aid-of-fired-professor-jim-spiegel/ "appeal-to-philosophers-t-come-to-the-aid-of-fired-professor jim spiegel,"]  Eric Rasmusen's blog  (Sept. 11, 2020 ).
*[https://www.theamericanconservative.com/defending-little-hitler-jim-spiegel-taylor-university/ "Defending ‘Little Hitler’: Popular Christian professor performs song satirizing man's capacity for evil. Christian college fires him,"] Rod Dreher, ''The American Conservative''  (Sept. 7, 2020).
*[https://www.theechonews.com/article/2023/02/james-spiegel-lands-teaching-and-research-job-at-hillsdale-college "James Spiegel lands teaching and research job at Hillsdale College: Former TU professor moving to new role,"]  Echo student newspaper, Will Riddell (Feb. 22, 2023).
*[https://www.theechonews.com/article/2020/09/itrg2whvihfkooc "Spiegel employment terminated: Tenured professor fired from university,"] The Echo, (September 4, 2020).
*[https://religionnews.com/2020/09/04/jim-spiegel-taylor-university-professor-little-hitler-song-video/ "Longtime professor Jim Spiegel out at Taylor University after ‘Little Hitler’ video: James Spiegel, a longtime professor at Taylor University, is out — reportedly after posting a video of a song he’d written titled ‘Little Hitler’ on YouTube,"] Religion News Service (September 4, 2020).
=== Babak Babakinejad (MIT, Media Lab, 2019) (See the [[Babak Babakinejad]] page.) ===
===Asheen Phansey (2020)===
*Criticism of him on [https://www.professorwatchlist.org/professor/asheenphansey  ProfessorWatchList.org]
*His [https://www.linkedin.com/in/asheen/ LinkedIn page]
*The [https://www.thefire.org/news/babson-college-falsely-claims-faculty-member-fired-over-iran-facebook-post-was-not-faculty  FIRE write-up] of his firing.
===Kulldorff, Martin (Harvard Medical, 2023)===
*[https://www.city-journal.org/article/harvard-tramples-the-truth City Journal article] (2024) on how he was fired for his covid views.
*[https://www.city-journal.org/multimedia/harvards-unscientific-consensus Transcript of interview with John Tierney] with more details.
===Asheen Phansey (Babson, 2020)===
*Criticism of him on [https://www.professorwatchlist.org/professor/asheenphansey  ProfessorWatchList.org]
*His [https://www.linkedin.com/in/asheen/ LinkedIn page]
*The [https://www.thefire.org/news/babson-college-falsely-claims-faculty-member-fired-over-iran-facebook-post-was-not-faculty  FIRE write-up] of his firing.
===Roland Fryer (Harvard econ, 2019)===
*[https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/01/27/harvard_the_new_york_times_and_the_metoo_takedown_of_a_black_academic_star.html "Harvard, the NY Times and the #MeToo Takedown of a Black Academic Star,"] Stuart Taylor Jr., ''RealClearInvestigations,'' January 29, 2019.
*[https://karlstack.substack.com/p/the-lynching-of-roland-fryer "The Lynching of Roland Fryer," ] ''Substack'' (2021).
===Walter Lewin (MIT)===
This is an odd one. I haven't figure it out yet.
*[https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/01/23/complainant-unprecedented-walter-lewin-sexual-harassment-case-comes-forward  walter-lewin-sexual-harassment-case].
*[https://thetech.com/2014/12/09/walterlewin-v134-n60 "MIT cuts ties with Walter Lewin after online harassment probe
Institute revokes emeritus title, removes online courses of popular physics professor who starred in viral videos"] The Tech (2014).
===J. Mark Ramseyer  (Harvard Law, 2020).  See  the [[J. Mark Ramseyer]]  page. ===
===Henry Wortis (Tufts Medical, 2023)===
*[https://www.aaup.org/sites/default/files/Tufts_opinion.pdf  Wortis et al. v Tufts]: Massachusetts Supreme  Court rules that it may violate tenure for Tufts to reduce their salaries drastically for not getting enough grant funding.
==Individual's Pages==
*The [[Gordon Klein]] and [[Joshua Katz]] and [[Mark McPhail]] and [[J. Mark Ramseyer]] pages
==How to Resist==
*[https://quillette.com/2021/01/27/beating-back-cancel-culture-a-case-study-from-the-field-of-artificial-intelligence/ Pedro Domingos], ''Quillette'' (2021)
*[https://quillette.com/2021/02/05/more-weight-an-academics-guide-to-surviving-campus-witch-hunts/ Dorian Abbot], ''Quillette'' (2021).
*[https://hxstem.substack.com/p/lessons-for-the-cancelled "Lessons for the Cancelled,"] Eric Rasmusen, ''Heterodox Stem Substack'' (2023).
*[https://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/oliver-d-smith-gets-his-day-in-city?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&nthPub=401 "Oliver-d-smith-gets-his-day-in-city,"] ''Emil Kirkegaard's Substack'' (2023).
*([https://www.city-journal.org/article/an-online-campaign-against-intelligence-research "The Cancel-Culture Troll with a Neo-Nazi Past: A surreal tale of one man’s campaign against an academic field,"] David Zimmerman, ''City Journal'' (2023).
*[https://www.karlstack.com/p/23-more-academic-scandals?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=353444&post_id=127140572&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email "23 More Academic Scandals,"] CHRISTOPHER BRUNET, Karlstack (July 12, 2023).
*[https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/what-princeton-professors-really-think-about-defining-racism/614911/  "what-princeton-professors-really-think-about-defining-racism,"] ''The Atlantic,'' Conor Friedersdorf.
*[https://www.thecollegefix.com/cancel-culture-database/?gv_search=indiana&filter_4=&filter_6=&filter_7=&mode=all College Fix Cancel Culture Database] and the [https://www.nas.org/blogs/article/tracking-cancel-culture-in-higher-education#caseslist NAS higher education cancel list]
*[https://www.unz.com/mmalkin/why-airbnb-banned-me-and-my-hubby-too/ Michelle Malkin banned from AirBnB], February 2022.
*“Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you—-better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away.” Proverbs 27:10
*[https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-local-correspondents/the-party-is-cancelled The Party is Cancelled,"] Emma Green, ''The New Yorker,'' Pamela Paresky's Gathering of the Thought Criminals (2023).
*[https://sapirjournal.org/social-justice/2021/05/critical-race-theory-and-the-hyper-white-jew/ "Critical Race Theory and the ‘Hyper-White’ Jew,"] Sapir, Pamela Paresky (2021).
*Diane Klein
*Mark McPhail
*Julie Moore
==Commentary on Cancellings Generally==
*[https://twitter.com/JonathanShedler/status/1667950409787527168?t=1BdV1j7LPsV-9UA_MyWJyQ&s=03  working paper on cancelling as motivated by sadism] (2023)
*[https://reason.com/2021/12/13/the-second-great-age-of-political-correctness/ "The-second-great-age-of-political-correctness"] ''Reason'' (Dec.2021).
*Level 2 and 3 Witch Hunts
2021 and 2019, [https://twitter.com/search?q=ensure%20that%20even%20those%20most%20carefully%20orthodox%20in%20their%20opinions%20would%20have%20said%20something%20that%20later%20became%20heretical.&src=typed_query  Paul Graham]:
"We can classify witch hunts by how long such paths can be. E.g. in a level 3 witch hunt, you can be targeted for defending someone who defended someone who was targeted. I saw that happen in 2020. I don't think I've seen 4 hops yet though.
It happened to me. A mob came after me when I tweeted this because they thought I was defending Stallman for defending Minsky. (Actually I wasn't. Stallman just happened to be one of two people getting cancelled then.)"
Sep 17, 2019
"If we extended human lifespans sufficiently, everyone would be cancelled. The drift in moral fashion would ensure that even those most carefully orthodox in their opinions would have said something that later became heretical."
2019 had 245 comments and 105 quote retweets and 2K Likes.
*[https://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/twitter-is-now-cancelling-wooldridge/page/2 Wooldridge cancelling, power v. authority]
*[https://skepticalinquirer.org/2023/06/the-ideological-subversion-of-biology/ "The ideological-subversion-of-biology,"], The Skeptical Inquirer,  Coyne and Maroja (2023).
==Dorian Abbot  (MIT, 2021)==
*[https://freespeech.mit.edu/signatories "Campaign to endorse the Chicago Principles on freedom of expression,"] list of MIT faculty who signed.  
*[https://freespeech.mit.edu/signatories "Campaign to endorse the Chicago Principles on freedom of expression,"] list of MIT faculty who signed.  
*[https://www.mitfreespeech.org/ The MIT Free Speech Alliance], an alumni group formed in response to the Abbot cancellation.  
*[https://www.mitfreespeech.org/ The MIT Free Speech Alliance], an alumni group formed in response to the Abbot cancellation.  
*[https://www.thefire.org/mit-community-rallies-behind-chicago-statement-after-dorian-abbot-disinvitation/  mit-community-rallies-behind-chicago-statement-after-dorian-abbot-disinvitation/,"] FIRE (November 2021).
*[https://twitter.com/haralduhlig/status/1457018887514505219 Harald Uhlig Tweet] on Ivan Werning not signing.
*[https://twitter.com/haralduhlig/status/1457018887514505219 Harald Uhlig Tweet] on Ivan Werning not signing.
*The [[MIT Free Speech]] page.
== ==
==Boudreau (Central Michigan, 2021)==
==Boudreau (Central Michigan, 2021)==
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==Sara Braasch (Leftwing Yale Graduate Student who called the police when she found a strange black woman sleeping outside her dorm room, 2018)==
==Sara Braasch (Leftwing Yale Graduate Student who called the police when she found a strange black woman sleeping outside her dorm room, 2018)==
*[https://sarahjbraasch.com/2021/10/30/so-you-want-to-talk-about-ijeoma-oluo-who-repeatedly-tried-to-drive-me-to-suicide-on-twitter-because-i-am-the-proof-that-she-is-an-evil-lying-bigot-and-fraud-part-i/ Braasch's blog, screenshots of the Left's attempt to harass her and drive her to suicide] (2021)
*[https://sarahjbraasch.com/2021/10/30/so-you-want-to-talk-about-ijeoma-oluo-who-repeatedly-tried-to-drive-me-to-suicide-on-twitter-because-i-am-the-proof-that-she-is-an-evil-lying-bigot-and-fraud-part-i/ Braasch's blog, screenshots of the Left's attempt to harass her and drive her to suicide] (2021)
==Butler, Josh (Pastor of Redemption Tempe, fired 2023)==
*[https://www.aaronrenn.com/p/newsletter-76-a-critical-shortfall?nthPub=421 "A Critical Shortfall"] Aaron Renn (2023).
== ==
== Carl, Noah (Cambridge Psychology, fired 2019) ==
*[https://www.city-journal.org/article/an-online-campaign-against-intelligence-research  "An-online-campaign-against-intelligence-research,"] City Journal (2023).
== [[Amy Chua]]  (Yale Law). See the [[Amy Chua]] page. ==
== [[Amy Chua]]  (Yale Law). See the [[Amy Chua]] page. ==
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*[https://www.csueastbay.edu/directory/profiles/mgmt/devarojed.html Jed DeVaro faculty profile]  and his [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KnFonD0AAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar Citation page].  
*[https://www.csueastbay.edu/directory/profiles/mgmt/devarojed.html Jed DeVaro faculty profile]  and his [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KnFonD0AAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar Citation page].  
*[https://thepioneeronline.com/42499/features/professors-not-immune-to-gender-inequality/ "Professors not immune to gender inequality: Jung Sook You, CSUEB,"]  ''The Pioneer,'' November 30, 2020.
*[https://thepioneeronline.com/42499/features/professors-not-immune-to-gender-inequality/ "Professors not immune to gender inequality: Jung Sook You, CSUEB,"]  ''The Pioneer,'' November 30, 2020).
==DePiero, Zack==
*[https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/diversity-equity/2023/06/26/white-professor-resigns-alleges-reverse#  "White Professor Resigns, Alleges Reverse Discrimination: A now-former Pennsylvania State University system professor says a series of trainings and the campus’s approach to grading discriminated based on race,"] Ryan Quinn, ''Inside Higher Education'' (June 26, 2023).
==Roland Fryer (Harvard econ, 2019)==
*[https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2019/01/27/harvard_the_new_york_times_and_the_metoo_takedown_of_a_black_academic_star.html "Harvard, the NY Times and the #MeToo Takedown of a Black Academic Star,"] Stuart Taylor Jr., ''RealClearInvestigations,'' January 29, 2019.
*[https://karlstack.substack.com/p/the-lynching-of-roland-fryer "The Lynching of Roland Fryer," ] ''Substack'' (2021).
==Scott Gerber (Law,  Ohio Northern, 2023) ==
*[https://www.wsj.com/articles/dei-brings-kafka-to-my-law-school-ohio-tenure-collegiality-viewpoint-discipline-102d62b8 "DEI Brings Kafka to My Law School: Ohio Northern University is trying to banish me for lack of ‘collegiality’ but won’t say what I’ve done,"] Scott Gerber, ''Wall Street Journal.''  
*[https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/protesting-a-universitys-egregious-abuse-of-a-law-professor/ ''National Review'']
*[https://www.gofundme.com/f/professor-scott-d-gerber-legal-fund?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter GoFundMe] 
*[https://www.nas.org/blogs/article/letter-in-defense-of-professor-scott-gerber Peter Wood open letter]
*[https://www.nas.org/blogs/article/the-scott-gerber-case-revisited?utm_source=NAS+Email+General&utm_campaign=4078d36bf1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_06_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-4176f19131-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D NAS article] (June 2023).
==[[Timothy Jackson]], North Texas, Musicology. See the [[Timothy Jackson]] page.==
*[https://justthenews.com/nation/free-speech/law-school-under-fire-suspending-dei-critic-without-pay-allegedly-defaming-his Article], J''ustthenews.com'' (June 2023).
==Katz, Joshua (Princeton Classics)==
==Abbas Ghassemi (UC-Merced, "teaching professor" of engineering)==
*[https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2021/10/27/8_at_princeton_assail_false_portrayal_of_prof_as_racist_146631.html Eight professors, 7 anonymous, criticize the Administration], October 27, 2021.
*[https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/06/21/college-professors-fired-cancel-culture/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWJpZCI6IjE4MTkzMzAyIiwicmVhc29uIjoiZ2lmdCIsIm5iZiI6MTY4NzMyMDAwMCwiaXNzIjoic3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ucyIsImV4cCI6MTY4ODYxNTk5OSwiaWF0IjoxNjg3MzIwMDAwLCJqdGkiOiJiZjllYTdmOS1lYzg3LTRkMmQtOWFiYy1jMTYxMjc3NWFkNDgiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy53YXNoaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vZWR1Y2F0aW9uLzIwMjMvMDYvMjEvY29sbGVnZS1wcm9mZXNzb3JzLWZpcmVkLWNhbmNlbC1jdWx0dXJlLyJ9.aDela2FGGWb1P4ICJ9dHf4h0Ntsiv03_r8yXKfItIAg "The professor is canceled. Now what? An ‘intolerant’ professor is higher ed’s toughest subject,"] Jack Stripling, Washington Post (June 21, 2023).
*[https://www.dailyprincetonian.com/article/2021/02/alumni-allegations-princeton-joshua-katz  "Alumni allege history of inappropriate conduct with female students by Princeton professor Joshua Katz,"] Marie-Rose Sheinerman and Evelyn Doskoch, ''The Princetonian,''
==University of Iowa==
(February 4, 2021) but see the harsh criticisms of that article at  [https://princetoniansforfreespeech.com/editorial-mccarthyism-daily-princetonian "Editorial: "McCarthyism at the Daily Princetonian",Princetonians for Free Speech and the [https://princetoniansforfreespeech.com/letter-editor-which-daily-princetonian-has-ignored  Elizabeth Bogan letter] that the Princetonian wouldn't publish.  
*[https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=18597 "University ordered to pay almost $2 million after students win religious freedom lawsuit:The University of Iowa was recently ordered to pay $1.9 million after two student groups sued the school.]   
The lawsuits were filed originally in 2017 and 2018."
*[https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/how-low-did-princeton-go-joshua-t-katz-racism/  "How Low Did Princeton Go?,"]  Rod Dreher, The American Conservative (September 15, 2021).
*[https://www.firstthings.com/article/2021/10/my-confessions "My Confessions,"] Joshua Katz, First Things (October 2021).
  Early in my career, however, I made a grave mistake, by which I mean something beyond the bounds of “merely” bad behavior, something sinful: I had a relationship with a student whom I was at the same time teaching. It was a consensual relationship between adults; it took place at a time when Princeton’s rules permitted students and faculty to engage in sexual contact, provided there was no pedagogical or supervisory conflict; and there was no Title IX violation. Still, it was a sin.
It is a sin I lived with every day. It ate away at me. But I lived with it alone. Alone, that is, until weeks after the #MeToo movement took off in late 2017, when an anonymous complainant—not the woman ­herself—informed Princeton about the more-than-a-decade-old affair. The result was an internal investigation, which culminated in a one-year suspension without pay.
==[[Timothy Jackson]], North Texas, Musicology (see the [[Timothy Jackson]] page)==
Even before I knew that my life was about to change, I had begun reading theology and occasionally attending church (in that order—once a bookish academic, always a bookish academic). The fact is that I was sad, I was making a mess of my personal life, and I needed help.
Then I learned of the investigation, learned that I would likely be suspended, and found myself in need of help on an entirely different level. I was on sabbatical in London at the time, and my future mother-in-law—I had only just begun dating her daughter, a former (yes, former) student of mine who was now at Cambridge—gave me the following firm instruction: Get myself to the Temple Church, whose Master (senior cleric), the Rev. Robin Griffith-Jones, she had heard preach a few years earlier in New York.
==Lars Jensen (Nevada math)==
*"Lars Jensen, a tenured professor in the mathematics and physical sciences division at Truckee Meadows Community College in Nevada. Professor Jensen’s college had repeatedly lowered its curriculum standards in order to make it easier for students to complete math courses and simultaneously ignored internal procedures relating to shared governance. Professor Jensen voiced his concerns on these issues in various ways, including in email communications and in a handout he distributed at a community mathematics summit organized by the college. Shortly after the summit, college administrators took a number of disciplinary actions against Jensen, and Jensen filed suit, alleging retaliation against his exercise of First Amendment rights. The district court dismissed Jensen’s suit, ruling that his First Amendment claims were barred because they did not implicate a “clearly established” right."
==Josephson, Allan (U. of Louisville Psychiatry, 2017)==
Demoted and then non-renewed for comments on gender dysphoria.  
*[https://dm1l19z832j5m.cloudfront.net/public/2022-07/Josephson-v.-Bendapudi-2019-03-28-Complaint.pdf 2022 Lawsuit complaint], for 1st admendment violations (not for contract violation)
Two reporters at the main student newspaper spent seven months digging into my private life. Surmising that I had been suspended, they published an article about me in the first week of February that “threw away basic journalistic standards” (in the words of Princetonians for Free Speech) in its reliance on hearsay, innuendo, and hostile anonymous sources. }}
== ==
==Katz, Joshua (Princeton Classics, 2022)  (See the [[Joshua Katz]] page)==
==Kilborn, Jason==
==Kilborn, Jason==
Line 96: Line 350:
Kilborn said he was compelled to submit to three hours of mental examination and a drug test by university doctors and a social worker, broken into two segments spanning the course of a week.}}
Kilborn said he was compelled to submit to three hours of mental examination and a drug test by university doctors and a social worker, broken into two segments spanning the course of a week.}}
*[https://www.aaup.org/brief/kilborn-v-amiridis-no-23-3196-7th-cir-2024?link_id=1&can_id=6a4e0a91209404dba110e42202317ac9&source=email-aaup-files-briefs-supporting-faculty-rights-in-teaching-and-public-speech&email_referrer=email_2225634&email_subject=aaup-files-briefs-supporting-faculty-rights-in-teaching-and-public-speech His appeal in the 7th Circuit], AAUP page.
==Chad KIMBALL (Broadway actor, 2021)==
==Chad KIMBALL (Broadway actor, 2021)==
Line 122: Line 379:
==[[Gordon Klein]], UCLA, Anderson School, Accounting (2020).  See the [[Gordon Klein]] page.==
==[[Gordon Klein]], UCLA, Anderson School, Accounting (2020).  See the [[Gordon Klein]] page.==
==John Kluge (Indiana schoolteacher)==
*[https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20200109d01 District Court decision]
== ==
==Jamie Lund (St. Mary's Law) (2013)==
*[https://abovethelaw.com/2013/05/sources-and-dr-phil-offer-insights-author-of-confessions-of-a-sociopath-who-might-be-this-law-professor/ Above the Law] guessing as to the true identity of a "sociopath".  It looks like she was mistreated.
== ==
==John MacAdams (Marquette, 2018)==
==John MacAdams (Marquette, 2018)==
Line 131: Line 397:
==Meriwether (Ohio, gender pronouns)==
==Meriwether (Ohio, gender pronouns)==
See [[Meriwether Case of Administration Persecution]]. Not a cancelling case, really, if I remember right; a wokeness case, though.  
See [[Meriwether Case of Administration Persecution]]. Not a cancelling case, really, if I remember right; a wokeness case, though.
== Morgan, Jason (Japan)==
*See his [https://www.encounterbooks.com/books/comfort-women-hoax/ book with Mark Ramseyer]
==Morris, Evan (2022)==
*[https://spectator.org/treatment-for-the-cancel-culture-virus-a-fantastic-voyage  "Treatment for the Cancel Culture Virus? A Fantastic Voyage|To slow the spread of the epidemic on campus, one perhaps should take “The Raquel Welch Rapid Test”,"]  ''American Spectator''. Morris is a MFSA member.
==Richard Paxton (Pacific U., 2021, fired)==
*[https://www.opb.org/article/2021/08/26/pacific-university-professor-richard-paxton-fired-oregon-education-universities/ OPB.org on his firing].
==Pesta, Bryan (Cleveland State Management, 2022)==
*[https://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/a-bschool-professor-fired-for-research-on-race-and-iq-asks-for-financial-help EJMR thread] that talks about the grad student who got him fired.
*[https://www.givesendgo.com/G9END Give Send Go] appeal for him.
*[https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2022/10/14/some-people-finally-noticed-bryan-pesta/ Paryngula blogpost supporting his firing].
*[https://www.mdpi.com/2624-8611/1/1/34 The MDPI paper] that got Pesta fired.
*[https://dockets.justia.com/docket/ohio/ohndce/1:2023cv00546/295763 Docket] for Pesta v. Cleveland State.
*[https://www.takimag.com/article/a-matter-of-tone/ "A Matter of Tone,"] by
Steve Sailer, Taki's Magazine (Aug 25, 2021). On skin tone and IQ.
*[https://www.unz.com/isteve/tenured-professor-bryan-j-pesta-sues-for-being-fired-for-his-breakthrough-study-of-the-causes-of-the-racial-gap-in-average-iq/ "Tenured Professor Bryan J. Pesta Sues for Being Fired for His Breakthrough Study of the Causes of the Racial Gap in Average IQ,"] Unz Review, Sailer Blog, Steve Sailer (March 16, 2023). This excerpts a lot of the Complaint.
==Joseph Petry (Illinois)==
==Joseph Petry (Illinois)==
Line 143: Line 434:
*FEBRUARY 9, 2021, [https://www.thecollegefix.com/judge-approves-professors-lawsuit-against-university-for-baseless-grades-for-sex-investigation/ "Judge approves professor’s lawsuit against university for baseless grades-for-sex investigation,"] HENRY KOKKELER - WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY. This is a very informative article.
*FEBRUARY 9, 2021, [https://www.thecollegefix.com/judge-approves-professors-lawsuit-against-university-for-baseless-grades-for-sex-investigation/ "Judge approves professor’s lawsuit against university for baseless grades-for-sex investigation,"] HENRY KOKKELER - WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY. This is a very informative article.
==Stephen Porter (NC State, 2021)==
==Stephen Porter (NC State, 2021)==
Line 152: Line 442:
*[http://www.dorfonlaw.org/2021/10/judge-bill-pryor-and-law-clerk-cancel.html?m=1 Attack on him by Dorf on Law] for hiring a clerk who sent an anti-black tweet once a few years ago.
*[http://www.dorfonlaw.org/2021/10/judge-bill-pryor-and-law-clerk-cancel.html?m=1 Attack on him by Dorf on Law] for hiring a clerk who sent an anti-black tweet once a few years ago.
== J. Mark Ramseyer (Harvard Law, 2020).  See the [[J. Mark Ramseyer]]  page. ==
== ==
== ==
==Schulz, Gregory (Concordia-Wisconsin, 2022)==
*[https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/16/christian-university-still-hasnt-reinstated-professor-it-kicked-out-after-he-criticized-identity-politics/ Suspended] from a Missouri Lutheran, supposedly conservative denominational college for criticizing wokeism.  On the web is a [https://gunnerq.com/2022/03/14/heres-the-real-reason-they-canceled-concordias-greg-schultz/ confused set of notes by someone] with valuable background information]
==Steven Shaviro (Wayne State English)==
The Shaviro case is interesting because it's a "Man Bites Dog" case: a cancellation of  a leftwing professor (self-described as a "Kitsch Marxist" by rightwingersSee also Loomis at U. of Rhode Island (https://nypost.com/2020/09/11/michael-reinoehl-justified-in-shooting-of-trump-supporter-professor/).  
*Shaviro's [https://people.wayne.edu/profile/av1179/1578/vita.pdf?_gl=1*7nz80j*_ga*Mzk2NTUxNjguMTY4MTMzNTYyNw..*_ga_ZYEBRZJFL1*MTY4MTQ4NDkxOS4yLjAuMTY4MTQ4NDkxOS4wLjAuMA.. vitae.]
*Shaviro's [https://www.yaf.org/news/wayne-state-professor-calls-for-murder-of-those-who-express-opinions-he-disagrees-with/ Facebook post]: “I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” He said that shouting them down is moralistic self-indulgence that just helps the victim.
*[https://reason.com/volokh/2023/03/27/professor-suggests-murder-as-alternative-to-shouting-down-speakers/ Volokh Conspiracy] (March 27, 2023). Comments are not worth reading.
*[https://popehat.substack.com/p/wayne-state-professor-steven-shaviro Popehat support Shaviro] in a good Substack. A lot of good comments, as well as a lot of stupid ones.
*Eric Rasmusen's [https://ericrasmusen.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-professors-who-want "In Defense of Professors Who Want To Kill People], Ras-Stack (2023).
==Shaw, Jodi (Smith librarian)==
*[https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ac03e14ec4eb74c10016931/t/61bcbb8de3cfe174add26ed7/1639758778264/2021-12-16+Shaw+Complaint.pdf Her lawsuit complaint] (2021).
==SKIDMORE, Mark (Michigan State, economist, 2023)==
*Skidmore's  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Skidmore_(economist) Wikipedia page,] his [http://econ.msu.edu/faculty/skidmore/  Michigan State page] (with vitae), and his [https://mark-skidmore.com/ personal website.]
*[https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-023-07998-3 The retracted covid vaccination article]
*[https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2021.1878109 "Retraction of scientific papers: the case of vaccine research,"] Ety Elisha, Josh Guetzkow, Yaffa Shir-Raz & Natti Ronel, ''Critical Public Health''    (2021)
*[https://mark-skidmore.com/research/economics-of-climate-and-disasters/ Skidmore's page] with the BJMR questions about his paper and his replies, reply-to-referee style; questions from a Chronicle of Higher Ed reporter with his replies, and six pages of "Responses to Additional Criticisms".  
*[https://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/msu-economists-covid-research-under-investigation EJMR discussion]
*[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11960667/Hugely-contentious-study-claimed-Covid-jabs-killed-280-000-people-gets-pulled.html "Hugely contentious study that claimed Covid jabs have killed 280,000 people in the US gets pulled... three months after flaws were raised," ] Daily Mail.
*[https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2023/01/25/economist-mark-skidmore-publishes-antivax-propaganda-disguised-as-a-survey/ David Gorski's aggressive attack] on Skidmore's article.
==Stock, Kathleen (Sussex, resigned under fire, 2021)==
*[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/05/16/free-speech-oxford-university-trans-row-kathleen-stock/ "Free speech in peril as trans row engulfs Oxford University: In a letter to The Telegraph, dons warn against cancelling appearance by feminist Kathleen Stock over her gender-critical views,"] The Telegraph,Louisa Clarence-Smith,Education Editor (16 May 2023). The
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1myWcqaU0E4Yokw6NavfNwgxuXwJ_Fad5zsiwZt8fl4Y/edit anti-Stock letter] signed by 100 or so Oxford faculty] (2023).
*[https://news.sky.com/story/kathleen-stock-professor-who-resigned-over-trans-rights-witch-hunt-joins-new-us-university-12464140 "Kathleen Stock: Professor who resigned over trans rights 'witch-hunt' joins new US university: Professor Kathleen Stock says she is "delighted" to be joining the University of Austin after Sussex students ran a campaign demanding her removal,"] News.sky.com, Andy Hayes, news reporter (8 November 2021).
== ==
==Harald UHLIG (Chicago Econ, 2020)==
==Harald UHLIG (Chicago Econ, 2020)==
Line 169: Line 512:
*[https://twitter.com/erasmuse/status/1459537303894900741 Uhlig tweet with Rasmusen comments] on the MIT Free Speech petition, its signers, and its nonsigners.
*[https://twitter.com/erasmuse/status/1459537303894900741 Uhlig tweet with Rasmusen comments] on the MIT Free Speech petition, its signers, and its nonsigners.
== ==
==Allyn Walker (Old Dominion, 2021)==
*[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10210713/Trans-professor-placed-leave-controversially-defending-pedophiles.html ''Daily Mail'' article,] October 21, 2021.
A transgender university professor in Virginia has been placed on leave after defending pedophiles as 'Minor Attracted People' and saying they shouldn't be ostracized because they can't help their natural urges....Walker has written a book that tries to destigmatize pedophilia. It encourages people to refer to pedophiles as 'Minor Attracted People'  and says they shouldn't be ostracized for their urges, which they can't help.... said that the online backlash had led to concerns for Walker's safety and that of the campus, and placing them on leave was the best course of action.    }}
==Wang,Norman (Pitt, Cardiology, 2020)==
Wang published an article in 2020 on racial preferences in medicine which was attacked and retracted. He was then persecuted by his employer.
*[https://anishkokamd.substack.com/p/affirmative-action-in-medicine-a?r=6chj5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post&s=03 "Affirmative action in Medicine : A forbidden debate?"], Dr. Anish Koka's Newsletter (2023).
*[https://www.cir-usa.org/case/norman-wang-v-university-of-pittsburgh/ Wang lawsuit page], very good, Center for Individual Rights, which has links to opinion pieces and key legal documents.
==Amy Wax (Penn Law)==
==Amy Wax (Penn Law)==
*https://newcriterion.com/issues/2018/4/fahrenheit-451-updated 2018 New Criterion article]
*[https://newcriterion.com/issues/2018/4/fahrenheit-451-updated 2018 ''New Criterion'' article]
*[https://www.newsweek.com/free-speech-under-threat-top-law-schools-opinion-1794224 "Free Speech Is Under Threat at Top Law Schools | Opinion,"] ''Newsweek,'' Paul Levy and Michael Poliakoff (2023).
*[https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/19-Sept.-2019-Recording-Ruger.mp3  As early as 2019, Dean Ruger had announced his desire to see Wax gone, using language one ordinarily does not associate with a law school dean: "Her presence here...makes me angry, it makes me pissed off" and that "she still works here...sucks." ]
*[https://www.law.upenn.edu/live/news/14369-a-statement-from-dean-ruger-in-response-to-recent "A statement from Dean Ruger in response to recent comments made by Professor Wax,"] (January 3, 2022).  He calls her (collecting epithets),  "thoroughly anti-intellectual, racist,  perpetuating stereotypes placing differential burdens on Asian students, faculty, and staff    xenophobic,  white supremacist, and sexist." But he really likes to support people in his community and to include them: "This reality sharpens and deepens our commitment to support our community as we continue to work to advance equity and inclusion." What an idiot! [https://www.law.upenn.edu/live/files/11414-cvtruger.pdf His field is con law,] naturally.
*[https://www.axios.com/local/philadelphia/2023/03/23/penn-law-school-amy-wax-hearings-disciplinary-case Axios article with links] about her disciplinary case (May 2023).
==Weingard, Bo (Marietta Psychology, fired 2019)==
*[https://www.city-journal.org/article/an-online-campaign-against-intelligence-research "An-online-campaign-against-intelligence-research,"] City Journal (2023).
==Commentary on Cancellings Generally==
== Weiss, Elizabeth (San Jose State Anthropology, bones)==
*Level 2 and 3 Witch Hunts
"One victim of this mindset is physical anthropologist Elizabeth Weiss of San Jose State, who studies 500–3,000 year old bones from California. For simply studying those remains, Weiss was demoted by her university and banned from studying her department’s collection of bones. But it’s even worse: she’s not allowed to study X-rays of the remains or even show a photograph of the boxes in which they are kept." [https://skepticalinquirer.org/2023/06/the-ideological-subversion-of-biology/ an article] in the Skeptical Inquirer by Jerry Coyne.  
2021 and 2019 ( [https://twitter.com/search?q=ensure%20that%20even%20those%20most%20carefully%20orthodox%20in%20their%20opinions%20would%20have%20said%20something%20that%20later%20became%20heretical.&src=typed_query  Paul Graham]
We can classify witch hunts by how long such paths can be. E.g. in a level 3 witch hunt, you can be targeted for defending someone who defended someone who was targeted. I saw that happen in 2020. I don't think I've seen 4 hops yet though.
==Zimmerman, James (Nashville clarinet, 2021)==
*[https://freebeacon.com/culture/how-racial-anxiety-conquered-an-orchestra-and-crushed-a-career/  " How Racial Anxiety Conquered an Orchestra and Crushed a Career"] Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon.  A black oboeist on temp status because of his musicial weakness was hired by breaking the rules and not having fellow musicians vote on him. A clarinetist, James Zimmerman,  who had advocated for his temporary trial and gotten him the job, was assigned to help him. He resented that, and with another musician, accused Zimmerman of stalking them and got Zimmerman fired. The Board boasted about it, and the Union refused to support him.  
It happened to me. A mob came after me when I tweeted this because they thought I was defending Stallman for defending Minsky. (Actually I wasn't. Stallman just happened to be one of two people getting cancelled then.)
Sep 17, 2019
If we extended human lifespans sufficiently, everyone would be cancelled. The drift in moral fashion would ensure that even those most carefully orthodox in their opinions would have said something that later became heretical.
2019 had 245 comments and 105 quote retweets and 2K Likes.
*[https://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/twitter-is-now-cancelling-wooldridge/page/2 Wooldridge cancelling, power v. authority]
== ==

Latest revision as of 05:44, 3 April 2024

See also Nondisclosure Clauses.

  • "THE NEW PURITANS", Atlantic (2021) by Ann Applebaum is a good survey with lots of specifics about cancellings and the various effects on its victims.



These actually aren't all cancellings. I use this to keep track of the various people persecuted by university administrators,for various reasons. A cancelling proper is where the wokefolk on Twitter, etc. mob someone and try to ruin their reputation.


I live in Indiana and I am Chair of Committee A (Academic Freedom) of the Indiana Conference of the American Association of University Professors (the AAUP), so it is convenient for me to list Indiana separately.

Darnowski, Douglas (Indiana Southeast Biology, 2022)

Harold Donnelly (Purdue Math, 2023) (See the Harold Donnelly page)

Samia HALABY (Indiana University-Bloomington)

IU-Bloomington cancelled an exhibit of her abstract art in 2024.

John Kluge (Indiana schoolteacher)

I plan to set up a special John Kluge page, but have not done so yet.

Zhihao Kong (Purdue student, Chinese government harassment)

McPhail, Mark (Indiana U.--Northwest, Gary, 2022)

McPhail, Mark has his own page.

Purdue students

Rasmusen, Eric (Indiana Bus. econ, 2003, 2019)

Sanders, Steve (Indiana Law, 2021)

Moore, Julie (Taylor, Writing, 2023)

Julie Moore was not cancelled, but she was fired improperly. After 6 or so years of routine renewals of her one-year untenured contract, she was suddenly told she would not be renewed but could get 6 weeks severance pay if she signed a nondisparagement agreement.

  • Blogs and Substacks
Tisby Substack and another Tisby Substack Kristin DuMez on Substack, May 4, 2023.
A good summary, by Beth Barr at her substack (May 10, 2023).
  • Media Coverage
Roys Report article by Bob Smietana with documents and a secret recording of Moore's conversation with her provost.
religionNewscom article (May 3, 2023) and the Indiana Public Radio aricle of May 2023.
article in Axios.com, May 4, 2023.

Sinno, Abdulkader (Indiana-Bloomington)

Spiegel, James (Taylor philosophy)

Not a cancelling, just a Christian college firing a conservative tenured professor for being too Christian.

  • "Fired Taylor Professor Tells His Story ," Roys Report, Julies Roys, podcast with transcript (Sept. 17, 2020). This has the background-- the Pence invitation and the Starbucks controversy and the underground newspaper, and also the alumni response.
The song: "There’s a little Hitler inside of you. There’s a little Hitler inside of me, yes there is. There’s a brutal killer within everyone. The hatred grows inside us naturally. I may seem as civilized as any man, and acts of heroism might even give me a rush. But if you cross me once or twice, you’ll find I’m really not that nice. I’m tempted to do things that would make Jeffrey Dahmer blush. Because there’s a little Hitler inside . . ."
“Several Taylor faculty have made posts on social media expressing their support for Black Lives Matter for defunding police and other leftist stances. And several faculty and staff attend a gay affirming church and encourage students to do the same. But the Taylor administrators permit these things.”
"At the first meeting, we had I was told there had been a complaint. I was not told that there was a formal harassment complaint. It was not until the termination meeting that I learned that there was a formal harassment complaint."


Babak Babakinejad (MIT, Media Lab, 2019) (See the Babak Babakinejad page.)

Asheen Phansey (2020)

Kulldorff, Martin (Harvard Medical, 2023)

Asheen Phansey (Babson, 2020)

Roland Fryer (Harvard econ, 2019)

Walter Lewin (MIT)

This is an odd one. I haven't figure it out yet.

Institute revokes emeritus title, removes online courses of popular physics professor who starred in viral videos"] The Tech (2014).

J. Mark Ramseyer (Harvard Law, 2020). See the J. Mark Ramseyer page.

Henry Wortis (Tufts Medical, 2023)

  • Wortis et al. v Tufts: Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that it may violate tenure for Tufts to reduce their salaries drastically for not getting enough grant funding.

Individual's Pages

How to Resist



  • “Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you—-better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away.” Proverbs 27:10


  • Diane Klein
  • Mark McPhail
  • Julie Moore

Commentary on Cancellings Generally

  • Level 2 and 3 Witch Hunts

2021 and 2019, Paul Graham:

"We can classify witch hunts by how long such paths can be. E.g. in a level 3 witch hunt, you can be targeted for defending someone who defended someone who was targeted. I saw that happen in 2020. I don't think I've seen 4 hops yet though.

It happened to me. A mob came after me when I tweeted this because they thought I was defending Stallman for defending Minsky. (Actually I wasn't. Stallman just happened to be one of two people getting cancelled then.)"

Sep 17, 2019

"If we extended human lifespans sufficiently, everyone would be cancelled. The drift in moral fashion would ensure that even those most carefully orthodox in their opinions would have said something that later became heretical."

2019 had 245 comments and 105 quote retweets and 2K Likes.

Dorian Abbot (MIT, 2021)

Boudreau (Central Michigan, 2021)

Prof. Boudreau, who was represented by a lawyer from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, withdrew any claims he might have against CMU, retired from CMU (he was apparently eligible for retirement), and in exchange received 10 months' salary and benefits (from Sept. 1, 2020 when he had been fired, to June 30, 2021, the end of this academic year).

5. Dr. Boudreau shall be paid in a lump sum, less normal withholding taxes the value of pay and CMU's contribution to benefits through June 30, 2021 within thirty (30) days of this settlement. A W-2 will be issued for this payment.

15. Dr. Boudreau agrees that the terms of this Release, including the payment made hereunder, are confidential and shall not be divulged to any third party except his spouse, tax advisor, CPA, wealth manager, and/or his attorneys who shall be advised of this confidentiality provision. Dr. Boudreau shall not be held liable for breach of this confidentiality clause in the event he is compelled via subpoena to under oath in court of law regarding details or terms of his severance and/or settlement agreement provided that he gives prompt notice to the CMU's General Counsel so CMU has the opportunity to object to the subpoena.

16. In the event that Dr. Boudreau violates any aspect of this Agreement, he acknowledges that said breach shall cause damage to CMU. The parties understand that CMU may have to reveal the terms pursuant to FOIA unrelated to any request by the Union or Dr. Boudreau, who agree not to make, encourage, or otherwise participate in such request.

19. Dr. Boudreau shall not, by oral or written expression or any other act of communication to any third party, by name, disparage, criticize, or impugn the reputation or character of CMU's curent or former Board of Trustees members, Board of Trustees, administrators, directors, other employees,eagents and representatives, both individually and in their official capacities (Releas6s). This provision shall not be construed to prohibit Dr. Boudreau from communicating his disagreement with CMU's decision to terminate his employment for the way he spoke various words including the "n-word", his criticism of CMU's decision and generally his beliefs and opinion on the efficacy of his teaching methods. Dr. Boudreau further agrees that this provision concerning non-disparagement is a material condition ofthe consideration contained herein, that this provision is an essential part of this Agreement, and that any violation ofthe terms ofthis paragraph shall be deemed a material breach of the entire Agreement.

21. Dr. Boudreau agrees that this Agreement shall be binding and inure to the benefit of his successors, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns, and to the benefit of the predecessors, successors, and assigns of the Releasees, and further agrees and acknowledges that this Agreement contains and comprises the entire agreement and understandings of the parties, and that there are no additional promises or terms of this Agreement, other than those contained within this document and the documents referenced herein.

23. If any provision of this Agreement shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any law governing this Agreement, the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement shall not be affected but shall continue in full legal force and effect to the fullest extent allowed by law.


  • (1) He can talk about the incident he was fired for.
  • (2) He can disparage the University, just not the various individuals who are to blame for any university scandals he may reveal.
  • (3) The University and its officials are free to disparage him however much they want.
  • (4) No damages are specified for breach of the clause. He is paid his settlement money within 30 days, and there are no liquidated damages. Presumably the damages would be the default of expectation damages, which in this case would be like defamation damages except he would be liable for harm caused even by truthful statements about public figures.

Sara Braasch (Leftwing Yale Graduate Student who called the police when she found a strange black woman sleeping outside her dorm room, 2018)

Butler, Josh (Pastor of Redemption Tempe, fired 2023)

*"A Critical Shortfall" Aaron Renn (2023). 

Carl, Noah (Cambridge Psychology, fired 2019)

Amy Chua (Yale Law). See the Amy Chua page.

Trent Colbert: The Trap House Party (Yale Law). See the Trent Colbert page.

Jed DeVaro ( Cal State-East Bay econ)

DePiero, Zack

Scott Gerber (Law, Ohio Northern, 2023)

  • Article, Justthenews.com (June 2023).

Abbas Ghassemi (UC-Merced, "teaching professor" of engineering)

University of Iowa

The lawsuits were filed originally in 2017 and 2018."

Timothy Jackson, North Texas, Musicology (see the Timothy Jackson page)

Lars Jensen (Nevada math)

  • "Lars Jensen, a tenured professor in the mathematics and physical sciences division at Truckee Meadows Community College in Nevada. Professor Jensen’s college had repeatedly lowered its curriculum standards in order to make it easier for students to complete math courses and simultaneously ignored internal procedures relating to shared governance. Professor Jensen voiced his concerns on these issues in various ways, including in email communications and in a handout he distributed at a community mathematics summit organized by the college. Shortly after the summit, college administrators took a number of disciplinary actions against Jensen, and Jensen filed suit, alleging retaliation against his exercise of First Amendment rights. The district court dismissed Jensen’s suit, ruling that his First Amendment claims were barred because they did not implicate a “clearly established” right."

Josephson, Allan (U. of Louisville Psychiatry, 2017)

Demoted and then non-renewed for comments on gender dysphoria.

Katz, Joshua (Princeton Classics, 2022) (See the Joshua Katz page)

Kilborn, Jason

Kilborn told Campus Reform that his classes “were cancelled for the entire semester on the very first day of class. He said he also had to undergo “an agonizing several-week period of ‘administrative leave,’” during which he was “barred from campus and prevented from participating in normal faculty communications and activities, including my elected position on the university promotion and tenure committee.”

Kilborn said he was compelled to submit to three hours of mental examination and a drug test by university doctors and a social worker, broken into two segments spanning the course of a week.

Chad KIMBALL (Broadway actor, 2021)

Brian KLATTMAN (Lehigh, 2021)

Diane Klein (LaVerne, Chapman)

In a meeting on the future of the law school last fall, Klein told colleagues that they must decide “whether we are willing to assassinate” Assistant Dean Jendayi Saada, who runs the Center for Academic and Bar Readiness.

  • Petition from Laverne faculty in support of KLein.

Gordon Klein, UCLA, Anderson School, Accounting (2020). See the Gordon Klein page.

Jamie Lund (St. Mary's Law) (2013)

  • Above the Law guessing as to the true identity of a "sociopath". It looks like she was mistreated.

John MacAdams (Marquette, 2018)

"John McAdams, political science professor who took Marquette to the state Supreme Court, dies," Devi Shastri, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 15, 2021.

Meriwether (Ohio, gender pronouns)

See Meriwether Case of Administration Persecution. Not a cancelling case, really, if I remember right; a wokeness case, though.

Morgan, Jason (Japan)

Morris, Evan (2022)

Richard Paxton (Pacific U., 2021, fired)

Pesta, Bryan (Cleveland State Management, 2022)

  • EJMR thread that talks about the grad student who got him fired.
  • Docket for Pesta v. Cleveland State.

Steve Sailer, Taki's Magazine (Aug 25, 2021). On skin tone and IQ.

Joseph Petry (Illinois)

  • January 27, 2021 News Release by Thies-Webber after winning on the motion to dismiss, with the Complaint and Motion to Dismiss and Objection to the Motion to Dismiss and Decision. This is the key document.

Stephen Porter (NC State, 2021)

"“Death by a Thousand Cuts”: Professor Files Lawsuit Against NC State University," Inside Higher Education, Oct. 11, 2021, Shannon Watkins.

Judge Pryor (2021)

Schulz, Gregory (Concordia-Wisconsin, 2022)

Steven Shaviro (Wayne State English)

The Shaviro case is interesting because it's a "Man Bites Dog" case: a cancellation of a leftwing professor (self-described as a "Kitsch Marxist" by rightwingers. See also Loomis at U. of Rhode Island (https://nypost.com/2020/09/11/michael-reinoehl-justified-in-shooting-of-trump-supporter-professor/).

  • Shaviro's Facebook post: “I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” He said that shouting them down is moralistic self-indulgence that just helps the victim.

Shaw, Jodi (Smith librarian)

SKIDMORE, Mark (Michigan State, economist, 2023)

  • Skidmore's page with the BJMR questions about his paper and his replies, reply-to-referee style; questions from a Chronicle of Higher Ed reporter with his replies, and six pages of "Responses to Additional Criticisms".

Stock, Kathleen (Sussex, resigned under fire, 2021)

anti-Stock letter signed by 100 or so Oxford faculty] (2023).

Harald UHLIG (Chicago Econ, 2020)

To: The Coeditors of the Journal of Political Economy and Director of The University of Chicago Press

We, the undersigned, call for the resignation of Harald Uhlig, the Bruce Allen and Barbara Ritzenthaler Professor in Economics at the University of Chicago, as the Lead Editor of the Journal of Political Economy. Prof. Uhlig's comments published on his blog (https://bit.ly/3cN0L97) and Twitter posts dated June 8th, trivializing the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and drawing parallels between the BLM movement and the Ku Klux Klan, are outrageous and unacceptable. They hurt and marginalize people of color and their allies in the economics profession; call into question his impartiality in assessing academic work on this and related topics; and damage the standing of the economics discipline in society. We do not question the right of Prof. Uhlig to make such comments, but we are strongly opposed to him holding a position of power as the editor of a prominent journal in our discipline.

Signed by Richard Tol, Oliver Jehiel, Sharon Oster, Shelly Lundberg, Ivan Werning, David Cutler, Chris Blattman, Paul Goldsmith, Severin Borenstein, Arthur Silve, Andrew Atkeson, Scott Imberman, Jennifer Doleac, Justin Wolfers, Judith Chevalier,

Allyn Walker (Old Dominion, 2021)

A transgender university professor in Virginia has been placed on leave after defending pedophiles as 'Minor Attracted People' and saying they shouldn't be ostracized because they can't help their natural urges....Walker has written a book that tries to destigmatize pedophilia. It encourages people to refer to pedophiles as 'Minor Attracted People' and says they shouldn't be ostracized for their urges, which they can't help.... said that the online backlash had led to concerns for Walker's safety and that of the campus, and placing them on leave was the best course of action.

Wang,Norman (Pitt, Cardiology, 2020)

Wang published an article in 2020 on racial preferences in medicine which was attacked and retracted. He was then persecuted by his employer.

  • Wang lawsuit page, very good, Center for Individual Rights, which has links to opinion pieces and key legal documents.

Amy Wax (Penn Law)

  • "A statement from Dean Ruger in response to recent comments made by Professor Wax," (January 3, 2022). He calls her (collecting epithets), "thoroughly anti-intellectual, racist, perpetuating stereotypes placing differential burdens on Asian students, faculty, and staff xenophobic, white supremacist, and sexist." But he really likes to support people in his community and to include them: "This reality sharpens and deepens our commitment to support our community as we continue to work to advance equity and inclusion." What an idiot! His field is con law, naturally.

Weingard, Bo (Marietta Psychology, fired 2019)

Weiss, Elizabeth (San Jose State Anthropology, bones)

"One victim of this mindset is physical anthropologist Elizabeth Weiss of San Jose State, who studies 500–3,000 year old bones from California. For simply studying those remains, Weiss was demoted by her university and banned from studying her department’s collection of bones. But it’s even worse: she’s not allowed to study X-rays of the remains or even show a photograph of the boxes in which they are kept." an article in the Skeptical Inquirer by Jerry Coyne.

Zimmerman, James (Nashville clarinet, 2021)

  • " How Racial Anxiety Conquered an Orchestra and Crushed a Career" Aaron Sibarium, Washington Free Beacon. A black oboeist on temp status because of his musicial weakness was hired by breaking the rules and not having fellow musicians vote on him. A clarinetist, James Zimmerman, who had advocated for his temporary trial and gotten him the job, was assigned to help him. He resented that, and with another musician, accused Zimmerman of stalking them and got Zimmerman fired. The Board boasted about it, and the Union refused to support him.