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*[http://www.koreanheritage.kr/feature/view.jsp?articleNo=227 Yut history and pictures]
*[http://www.koreanheritage.kr/feature/view.jsp?articleNo=227 Yut history and pictures]
*[https://kpopjacketlady.com/2016/05/06/the-game-of-yut/ a good site] with a round board with the space names.
*[https://kpopjacketlady.com/2016/05/06/the-game-of-yut/ a good site] with a round board with the space names.
*The [https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com%2Fu.osu.edu%2Fdist%2Fa%2F43197%2Ffiles%2F2017%2F02%2FBurnham-Korea-1zj2mdp.pdf&psig=AOvVaw2lxFlnUs9gF8SZTIHO3DT8&ust=1704257598119000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCNCG_8f0vYMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
  Yut is an old games and a family game, not a corporate one, so there are lots of local variants. Some boards are square, some circular. Some of the less often reported rules we use:
# If you get to roll twice because you rolled a yut or mo, you can save your initial 5 or 4 and decide how to use them after your second role. I don't really like this rule, because it gets very confusing if you keep adding rolls because you rolle more yuts or moes or you kill someone, but that confusion adds to the merriment and hullabaloo that is an intrinsic part of yut.
#If you throw and one of the sticks goes a little off the mat, you lose your turn and it doesn't count.
#You start going on the first circle, not the 0th, so you get to the intersection with a mo.
#Your mal does not go out to the victory pile just by going to the last circle; you must go one more space.
#We have played with three teams rather than the usual two. That increases the merriment. You get killed a lot.

Latest revision as of 08:18, 2 January 2024


  Yut is an old games and a family game, not a corporate one, so there are lots of local variants. Some boards are square, some circular. Some of the less often reported rules we use: 
  1. If you get to roll twice because you rolled a yut or mo, you can save your initial 5 or 4 and decide how to use them after your second role. I don't really like this rule, because it gets very confusing if you keep adding rolls because you rolle more yuts or moes or you kill someone, but that confusion adds to the merriment and hullabaloo that is an intrinsic part of yut.
  2. If you throw and one of the sticks goes a little off the mat, you lose your turn and it doesn't count.
  3. You start going on the first circle, not the 0th, so you get to the intersection with a mo.
  4. Your mal does not go out to the victory pile just by going to the last circle; you must go one more space.
  5. We have played with three teams rather than the usual two. That increases the merriment. You get killed a lot.