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*[https://redstate.com/leslie-mcadoo-gordon/2021/06/29/january-6-cases-being-treated-more-harshly-by-doj-n404096  "January 6 Cases Being Treated More Harshly by DOJ,"] RedState.com,  Leslie McAdoo Gordon | Jun 29, 2021.
*[https://redstate.com/leslie-mcadoo-gordon/2021/06/29/january-6-cases-being-treated-more-harshly-by-doj-n404096  "January 6 Cases Being Treated More Harshly by DOJ,"] RedState.com,  Leslie McAdoo Gordon | Jun 29, 2021.
*[http://www.undeadbarassociation.com/2011/05/estate-planning-to-my-vampire-if-any.html?m=1 "Estate Planning: To My Vampire, If Any,"]  (May 25, 2011).
*[http://www.undeadbarassociation.com/2011/05/estate-planning-to-my-vampire-if-any.html?m=1 "Estate Planning: To My Vampire, If Any,"] by Steven M. Silva (May 25, 2011).
*[https://americanmind.org/salvo/importing-enemies/ "Importing Enemies,] by Michael Anton.  
*[https://americanmind.org/salvo/importing-enemies/ "Importing Enemies,] by Michael Anton.  

Revision as of 05:46, 17 September 2021

  • Charles Haywood review of Frieden's The Feminine Mystique. "It’s not just women, though—only a tiny segment of men have a job that offers real accomplishment, “the life of mind and spirit,” either. The job does not give them fulfillment; it is a means to their real method of fulfillment, providing for and protecting their family."

"Handy Statistical Lexicon" by Andrew Gelman.