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*[https://socialistregister.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5323/2224 "My Correct Views on Everything",] Leszek Kolakowski (1974).
*[https://socialistregister.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5323/2224 "My Correct Views on Everything",] Leszek Kolakowski (1974).
*[https://orthodox-web.tripod.com/papers/fern_seed.html CS Lewis speech to seminarians]
*[https://econjwatch.org/File+download/645/MedemaMay2013.pdf?mimetype=pdf On Why There Is No Milton Friedman Today: Sui Generis, Sui Temporis], ECON JOURNAL WATCH 10(2)
*[https://econjwatch.org/File+download/645/MedemaMay2013.pdf?mimetype=pdf On Why There Is No Milton Friedman Today: Sui Generis, Sui Temporis], ECON JOURNAL WATCH 10(2)

Revision as of 16:51, 1 January 2024

  • The OSS sabotage field manual on disrupting organizations] by things like making meetings go too long and not decide anything.

(May 2013) 197-204 Steven G. Medema. Full of insights-- on Galbraith too, for example.

Top Ten THigns:

*Saturday Night Live on the 3 Presidents' Testimony, very very good.