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(Mr. Rasmusen's notes to himself)
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*[http://www.thebigquestions.com/2021/06/29/mamas-dont-let-your-babies-grow-up-to-be-dollar-cost-averagers/ Landsburg on Dollar-Cost-Averaging], which would be a good You-Tube subject, as would the mortgage interest deduction.
*[http://www.thebigquestions.com/2021/06/29/mamas-dont-let-your-babies-grow-up-to-be-dollar-cost-averagers/ Landsburg on Dollar-Cost-Averaging], which would be a good You-Tube subject, as would the mortgage interest deduction.
*[http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/the-secret-number/ "THE SECRET NUMBER,"] IGOR TEPER, Strange Horizons (20 NOVEMBER 2000). The Bleem story.

Revision as of 16:08, 7 November 2021

Test-taking music


Digression, e.g.,  expendable, theorem. 

Quotations and Phrases

quod erat demonstrandum, quis custodiet custodes ipsos,

Mr. Rasmusen's notes to himself

  • Math puzzles can be found at Quora.