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(Created page with " [https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-missing-link-fbi-unindicted-co-conspirator/ ghjh] [http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1355...")
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:(5) [https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-missing-link-fbi-unindicted-co-conspirator/  "Federal Protection of 'Oath Keepers' Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks the Entire Capitol 'Insurrection' Lie Wide Open," ''Revolver.news'' (June 30, 2021)
[https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-missing-link-fbi-unindicted-co-conspirator/  ghjh]
[http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,135534,00.html?utm_source=pocket_mylist "AMERICA'S NEW CLASS SYSTEM,"] ''Time,'' NICHOLAS LEMANN, June 24, 2001):
:(2) [http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,135534,00.html?utm_source=pocket_mylist "AMERICA'S NEW CLASS SYSTEM,"] ''Time,'' NICHOLAS LEMANN, June 24, 2001):

Revision as of 09:58, 15 December 2021

(5) [https://www.revolver.news/2021/06/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-missing-link-fbi-unindicted-co-conspirator/ "Federal Protection of 'Oath Keepers' Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks the Entire Capitol 'Insurrection' Lie Wide Open," Revolver.news (June 30, 2021)

Medics, nurses, physios, medical lab scientists, and clinical scientists all must demonstrate competency to be licensed. There is no such regulation for modellers. Yet their advice, adopted by the Government, affects millions whereas a bad doctor can only harm one patient at a time. ... Examine the graph. Then, USING ONLY DATA AVAILABLE UP TO JULY 1891 (i.e., as far into the 1889-94 pandemic as we presently are with COVID) devise a mathematical model (not a qualitative speculation) to account for the peaks up to that date and to predict the size, timing and duration of the two subsequent peaks. Explain why there were no further peaks after 1894. ... In the meantime, let us have no more talk of lockdowns until modellers can prove their skills and competency by showing how the death waves of a previous pandemic could have been predicted accurately. They will find numerous relevant pre-July 1891 articles in the BMJ and the Lancet among other sources.}}

"Handy Statistical Lexicon" by Andrew Gelman.

  • Charles Haywood review of Frieden's The Feminine Mystique. "It’s not just women, though—only a tiny segment of men have a job that offers real accomplishment, “the life of mind and spirit,” either. The job does not give them fulfillment; it is a means to their real method of fulfillment, providing for and protecting their family."