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(Diego Morales)
(Diego Morales)
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*[https://lhsmagpie.com/13780/features/exclusive-qa-with-indiana-secratary-of-state-diego-morales/ A good interview with him] about immigrating to the US, etc.
*[https://lhsmagpie.com/13780/features/exclusive-qa-with-indiana-secratary-of-state-diego-morales/ A good interview with him] about immigrating to the US, etc.
*[https://x.com/i/status/1879599417365504243 His disastrous questioning by DeLany] about spot bonuses, no-b-d contracts, and hiring relatives in 2025.
*[https://x.com/i/status/1879599417365504243 His disastrous questioning by DeLany] about spot bonuses, no-b-d contracts, and hiring relatives in 2025. There is a [https://www.courierpress.com/story/opinion/2025/01/31/opinion-howey-morales-24-million-budget-and-transparency-issues/78050648007/ transcript here.]
*[https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/12/09/secretary-of-state-spending-includes-millions-in-no-bid-contracts/ Indiana Capital Chronicle story bout corruption] (Dec. 9, 2024).
*[https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/12/09/secretary-of-state-spending-includes-millions-in-no-bid-contracts/ Indiana Capital Chronicle story bout corruption] (Dec. 9, 2024).

Latest revision as of 16:18, 2 February 2025


Monroe County Republicans

Media Mentions


  • [ ] Charles Trzcinka quoted, The Wall Street Journal January 2025.

MARIA DAVIS, JANUARY 21, 2025 Eric Rasmusen quoted,The College Fix.

  • [ article], Limestone something, William Ellis quoted.

Articles by Monroe County Republicans

Monroe County Races

  • Nothing now.

Monroe County College Republicans

  • Nothing now.

Carmel Schools

Good Articles


  • Jeff Ellington, former State Representative. NOT Rasmusen's. Republican.
  • Shelli Yoder, State Senator (Rasmusen). Signed petition against me.

Diego Morales

Agreements with one Indianapolis-based IT company, CleanSlate Technology Group, amounted to more than $2.3 million for services provided between March 2023 and July 2024.
Several weeks later, on Dec. 30, CleanSlate made a $10,000 donation to the Diego for Indiana election committee, according to the Indiana Election Division. It was the first time the company donated to Morales or any other Hoosier political candidate.
Then, on March 27, 2024, CleanSlate made a second donation, in the amount of $19,000, to Morales’ election committee. Another such contribution of $30,000 was made to the committee on June 24. The business has not made donations to any other Indiana candidate, according to campaign finance records.
  Morales, elected in 2022, was not up for reelection in 2023 or 2024.

  Additionally, a contract with MTX Group was signed on May 23, 2024 for “as-needed” IT services provided to the secretary of state’s auto dealer and business services divisions through the end of the calendar year. Total compensation for that work can total up to $1,842,300, according to the contract. The company has nearly reached that cap as of Dec. 7, expenditure records show.
      Not long after the contract was finalized, MTX founder Das Nobel, of Texas, donated $80,000 to Morales’ campaign coffers, according to campaign finance records.

Curtis Hill

Curtis Hill was Attorney-General of Indiana and in 2023 is running for governor against Mark Braun and others. I like him, but he has been accused of (a) being intoxicated and inappropriately touching three Democrats and a liberal Republican woman at a party and (b) propositioning a woman while he was a prosecutor. I haven't figured out the true stories yet,but I'll

Indiana Republicans

Indiana Republican Conventions

See also iu:Indiana Politics.