Cedars Math
Reference Material
- The Zoom address is https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4850284384?pwd=1i9MBgKH1r8
- An online Python compiler that can import the matplotlib module is at codabrainy.com.
- An online Latex math typesetting compiler is at https://www.tutorialspoint.com/online_latex_editor.php.
- The Zooming Scratch Paper Page is at https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1mfuy8BLaIAYxYBG9tvY25upqMSbBfTxQo6BU49ix8HU/edit.
- The "All Odd Numbers Are Prime" joke
- I've written up a handout of some Python code for testing divisibility by 2,3,5, and 7.
- The Python code by Professor Connell to test the Polya Conjecture.
- Prime_Proof_handout.pdf Handout on Euclid's proof, ]
- Handout on writing emails
- Alpha and Beta
- Amicus
- Amiable
- Century
- Copyright.
- Digression
- Endless loop.
- Expendable
- Imperative
- Lemma
- Millenium
- Obsolete.
- Premise
- Psychology
- Shilling.
- Syllogism
- Theorem.