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Revision as of 17:01, 6 September 2024 by Eric Rasmusen (talk | contribs) (Code which times when user input is received, and uses fade-in of text and has different style colors and fonts for differnet divisions of the webpage)
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An Example of a Web Page that asks the user for input and then produces some output, and has different styles for different divisions of the output webpage

   <h1>Printing "Happy Birthday, NAME INPUT" 8 Times</h1>
    <div id="output"></div> <!-- This is where we will display the output we create below -->

    <script>        //Javascript has to go in a special script section.
// Prompt the user for his name
            let name = prompt("What is your name?")  ;

//We will this variable later.
 let how_many=8;

function new_line(){

        // Select the output div
        let outputDiv = document.getElementById('output');

        // Print Happy Birthday  8 times
        for (let i = 1; i <= how_many; i++) {
            outputDiv.innerHTML += "Happy Birthday,  "+   name +"!<br>" ;  
        } //The curly bracket shows this is the end of  the loop;

//Add some  blank lines
outputDiv.innerHTML += " <br><br><br><br><br>" ;  
 }  //The curcly bracket shows this is teh end of the function. 

//Run the function and print happy birthday 8 times.

// Prompt the user for a number of additional times to repeat happy birthday." how_many" is already declared, so no "let" is needed or allowed;
  how_many = prompt("How many times would you like to see that?")  ;

//Run the function again, after a .4 second delay.
let timer = setTimeout(new_line, 400);

Code which times when user input is received, and uses fade-in of text and has different style colors and fonts for differnet divisions of the webpage

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        #first_div {
            font-size: 24px;

            color: #3498db;
            opacity: 0; /* Start hidden */
            transition: opacity 2s ease-in; /* Fade-in effect */


  #second_div {
             font-size: 36px;
               font-family: "Brush Script MT", Brush Script Std, cursive;
            color: red;
            opacity: 0; /* Start hidden */
            transition: opacity 2s ease-in; /* Fade-in effect */

          #third_div {
		             font-size: 18px;
		            color: green;
		            opacity: 1; /* Start hidden */
		            transition: opacity 2s ease-in; /* Fade-in effect */



    <div id="first_div">  </div>
    <div id="second_div">  </div>
   <div id="third_div">  </div>

    <script>//Javascript has to go in a special script section.
	     //We will use these variables   later.
 let how_many=8;
 let div1 = 'first_div'
 let div2 = "second_div"
 let div3 = "third_div"

        // Function to make text visible with fade-in effect
        function showText(Div_ID) {
            const textElement = document.getElementById(Div_ID);
   = 1; // Set opacity to 1 to fade in

        // Set a timeout to call the function after the delay of .1 seconds
      setTimeout(function() { showText(div1); }, 100);

// Prompt the user for their name
            let name = prompt('Type in your name.')  ;

function new_line(Div_ID){

        // Select the output div
         let outputDiv = document.getElementById(Div_ID);

        // Print    8 times
        for (let i = 1; i <= how_many; i++) {
            outputDiv.innerHTML += "Hello,  "+   name +".<br>" ;
        }       //The curly bracket shows this is the end of  the loop;

       outputDiv.innerHTML += "<br>Yours truly, <br> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp  &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp      John  <br>" ;

        //Add some  blank lines
       outputDiv.innerHTML += " <br><br>" ;
 }  //The curly bracket shows this is teh end of the function.

//Run the function above to print several times.

// Prompt the user for the number of additional times to repeat.
 how_many= prompt("How about some more? Pick a number"  );},

//Run the function again for div2, after a   delay.
            new_line(div2); // Run new_line for the second div
            showText(div2); // Fade-in effect for the second div
        }, 3200);

function f1(){
     let   outputDiv = document.getElementById(div3);
    outputDiv.innerHTML += "That's all of them.   But reload the page in your browser and we can do it again.<br>" ;

 setTimeout(f1, 6000);


What Javascript can't do

  • Javascript can't get rid of the "This page says" heading of windows it opens. This is a security anti-phishing feature, so people will know the question is coming from the Web, not from their apps.
  • Javascript can't put italics, boldface, color, etc. into prompt windows.