Knocking Off Provosts

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Not, I assure, you "Knocking up provosts". And I don't mean "Killing Provosts". I would never do any of those things. But I do seem to be bad news for college administrators. I can't claim full credit, or even "but for credit", but maybe I can claim a very small degree of credit (or blame) for the resignations of a number of Indiana University top administrators.

Sharon Brehm

Blog controversy. I wsa told she was on her way out anyway.

That forgettable IU President

 Rumor had it he hoped Bush would appoint him as Secretary of Education and when he didn't, he just decided to retire while still drawing the paycheck. 
My speech at the big meeting in Assembly Hall. I said that our use as faculty wsa to show the Trustees there was a possibe problem. I didn't konw myself i there was a problem or not, but clearly there's something worth looking into. Our purpose here is just to get the Trusteees too look into things. If they look into it and he stays, fine-- thi sis not a matter of policy difference or politics, but of competnence. 

Provost Lauren Robel

 Herald Times interview.