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Diane Klein (LaVerne, Chapman)

Gordon Klein

  • October 2020: "UCLA reinstated Gordon Klein. Who will reinstate his reputation?" Alex Morey, This is a very good interview with Gordon Klein in which he carefully praises FIRE and the Committee on Academic Freedom and, it looks like to me, paves the way for a possible lawsuit on breach of confidentiality by Dean Bernardo. Very good photo of Klein at the top, too.

Joseph Petry

Level 2 and 3 Witch Hunts

2021 and 2019 ( Paul Graham

We can classify witch hunts by how long such paths can be. E.g. in a level 3 witch hunt, you can be targeted for defending someone who defended someone who was targeted. I saw that happen in 2020. I don't think I've seen 4 hops yet though.

It happened to me. A mob came after me when I tweeted this because they thought I was defending Stallman for defending Minsky. (Actually I wasn't. Stallman just happened to be one of two people getting cancelled then.)

Sep 17, 2019

If we extended human lifespans sufficiently, everyone would be cancelled. The drift in moral fashion would ensure that even those most carefully orthodox in their opinions would have said something that later became heretical.

2019 had 245 comments and 105 quote retweets and 2K Likes.