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"Moderna had to disclose to the FDA that one of the coronavirus vaccine patients got struck by lightning; after a review, this was declared probably unrelated." "WebMD, And The Tragedy Of Legible Expertise What does running a medical database teach you about why everything sucks?"

Johnson & Johnson and Novavax are also safe and effective, far better than we need them to be. They both held onto their data longer than they would have in a sane world, and took longer to collect it than they would have in a sane world, but there’s nothing other than bureaucratic delays now standing in our way. Johnson & Johnson is expected to get its approval at some unspecified date, presumably this month. Yet there is no sense of urgency.

AstraZeneca is even more egregious. There are doses ready to go, it has been approved by major regulatory agencies elsewhere, and the main objections seem to be “the data isn’t from Americans” and “we’re mad at you about previous mistakes so we need to punish that somehow.” We are still going to wait until April or so for the American data, plus the delays after that, unless something changes and the new administration and/or the FDA see themselves as sufficiently blameworthy for not approving the vaccine. This badly needs more outrage. There’s an increasing amount, but so far it’s nowhere near enough.

Sputnik is the least egregious. Not using it is going to get a lot of people killed, but it’s a Russian project largely motivated by national pride, that never held out any hope of convincing us to trust it and always planned to distribute its doses in Russia and then the third world, so I can sort of understand this one. I’ll settle for the other five.

If you’re running out of vials in which to put your vaccine, you should put as much as possible into each vial, and also yes more money would have accelerated vaccine production and more money still could do so. Moderna is therefore asking the FDA permission to put more doses in the vials, which somehow they need to do, and also the answer wasn’t ‘yes of course do that I know technically you had to ask but this really, really isn’t a question.’ ...

I think this is being too charitable. The correct timeline involves not having to check at all, and correct timeline where approval is necessary to avoid other stupid cases doesn’t waste the day confirming and you get a yes during the call. Also, note that this is saying the FDA could approve it within weeks, but also might not. We’re supposed to think this is fast and praiseworthy for literally ‘put more of the same liquid into the same vials.’ That’s the standards we’re judging ourselves against these days.