An Old Man's Stories

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The 2003 Weblog Controversy: Homosexuals as Schoolteachers

This has its own page.

Statistician Sir David Cox

This has its own page.

The Water Moccasin

Here tell that story. Pictures too.

That evening, I started vomiting copiously. Diarrhea followed.

I had been poisoned. Not by the snake, though, but by small fish. Or, rather, by the microbes surrounding small fish.

Sword in the Stone dragon and microbe Merlin.

Democracy dies not from the snake but from the virus.

Economics Seminars

I like the classic Chicago-style economics seminar for research presentation. I gave one once, at Chicago itself, where I think I spoke the third-greatest number of words, after John Lott and David Friedman. I was prepared, though, and knew I had the power of the overhead projector-- if I couldn't get a word in edgewise, I could at least put up a new slide and if it was more interesting than the comment from the audience, free market competition would give me the attention of the rest of the audience. Actually, the Chat feature in Zoom works like that nowadays.

  • The story of when Mark Zupan and I went to Chicago to present in the Stigler seminar. Stigler stories.
  • The time at UCLA where I fainted a couple of hours before I was to rpesent a paper I knew was in trouble. I went out from office to get a drink of water, fainted, fell down WHAM and banged my head, which needed a stitch. They called an ambulance and made me take it to a doctor. But I got out of giving the seminar!
