Negative Comments

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Why do you think women don’t belong in the workplace as well as the LGBTQ community and people of color? Shows your character more than anything.

Evening sir You kinda s--- Take care Actually don’t take care. Get hit by a bus.

I would just like you to know how much of a scum rat person you are. Being a privileged white student like myself at your university I am more than ashamed of your comments. I wish you nothing but the worst in your future endeavors. All men are created equal, and people for that matter, you’re a stereotypical Econ/conservative/white supremacist bigot that does not qualify for tenure at a very diverse and international university. It’s almost 2020, yet you live as if it is 1820. Idiotic scum.

Stop hiding your sexism behind you’re faith. You are a bigot plain and simple

Bruh you a clown

Hey man, just wanted to let you know that it costs absolutely nothing to shut the f--- up :)

Hi, Prof Rasmusen. I’m sure you’re overwhelmed at the moment. I just figured I would extend a hand.

  I don’t know if your views have changed since your 2003 blog post about gay men that has resurfaced in light of your recent online activity. I hope that they have. But if not, and you’d be open to it, I’d like to have a conversation.
   Maybe you don’t know many gay people; your assertion that gay men are unfit for certain occupations due to a supposed predatory nature don’t align with my experience. I’d just like to try to make some connection, if you’re open to it.  In doing so, maybe your view of gay men would expand beyond these generalizations. 

literally f--- you lol

you’re horrible, sexists tweets are giving actual true christians a bad name. do not claim to love my God when you are spreading hate because that is not what loving God is about. that is not how you bring others to Christ. I know God can change anyone and I really hope He changes your heart for the sake of everyone.

 I’m glad I didn’t go to Kelley and I’m glad I choose osu instead! You disgust me!

i see that you go through a lot of trouble with all the tweets you compose, the things you retweet, and the papers you’ve written to get across a certain message but wouldn’t it just easier to flat out say you’ve never made a woman c--- before? just quit beating around the bush, man

  How can you seriously say other people outside of twitter don’t find your remarks offensive when the university you work for literally called you a f--- idiot

eat S--- boomer Nov 20, 2019, 3:52 PM you are the scum of society Nov 20, 2019, 3:57 PM

I wanted to privately message you so that you didn't feel publicly attacked. Instead of turning to religion for sexual education, perhaps we stick to science, especially from our own school. Kinsey has done far too much research to be overlooked. Do you use the Lord the Lord to teach econ?*

I know you're probably getting a lot of hate today so I just wanted to tell you they're right! You're a c---!

You’re a racist, sexist little w--- Nov 19, 2019, 11:15 PM Nov 20, 2019, 12:08 AM

Hey buddy. Just to let you know, IQ is a pseudoscientific concept. Genius is subjective and socially constructed. Maintaining sexist, homophobic, eugenicist, and classist ideologies only perpetuates the systems of oppression and inequality rampant in our country. This ignorance is so dangerous to bring into classrooms with students who should be able to look up to you. Hiding behind tenure to avoid accountability is incredibly toxic!

  Genuinely hope you lose your job over this, it's disgustingly sexist. I hope to god you don't have a girlfriend/wife/daughters/female friends because they deserve better than to know a creep like you.
  And you’re an educator at a university? What numbskulls had the brain dead audacity to hire you? How can you call yourself an educator and post something like this? Shame on you. I am a conservative myself, but since I am a female I must be inferior to you. That’s not what being a conservative is. You’re a disgrace

you're weird as s---

why u so ugly :/

Ok boomer

You do realize how f--- stupid you are, right? Karma’s a bitch tho, she’ll take care of you. xoxo

ur trash

whatever you are lacking in happiness- stop taking it out on women. you look pathetic

  just incase you don’t understand that’s 

p a t h e t i c

   i feel bad for your very closed mind

you are terrible person. you do not deserve a place within the academic world or society due to your hateful language and demeanor towards others

Please resign from your position, nobody as sexist/homophobic as you should be responsible for molding young minds.

have fun being unemployed, misogynist!

Why do you hate women so much? Did mommy hurt you? Did your crush reject you? Sorry you can't get laid

Get fired yet?

You’re gonna get fired :) true Tehe