Notes on Economics

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Proving the Central Limit Theorem

Clever Central Limit Theorem proof: If you have a sequence Xn of random variables, start with a Normal sequence Zn with Xn's means and variances. The Theorem for Zn is trivial. The Lindeberg trick is to swap Xn for Zn one term at a time.

Econ Video Clips

Econ Media Library @EconMedia on Twitter. Mix of television, movies, comedy specials, or news clips that can be used to #TeachEcon. If you've got recommendations, @ me! Created by @Wootenomics

"The Economics of Seinfeld" site, video clips indexed by concept (large site):


Florian Ederer @florianederer Literature controversies in econ ranked

1) Minimum wage 2) Inflation-government debt 3) Markups 4) Immigration wage effects 5) Inequality measurement 6) Wealth & corporate taxation 7) Common ownership 8) Monopsony 9) Spending-educational outcomes 10) Innovation-competition

Professor Michael Huemer's I Love Corporations at Fake Nous:

I have had personal experience with individuals, corporations, and government. All three are, of course, sometimes unsatisfactory. But my experience with large corporations is way better than my experience with either individuals or government — better from the standpoint of my ending up feeling satisfied, or being made better off by interacting with them.