The Press as an arm of the Democratic Party

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The American mainstream press is in general an arm of the Democratic Party, aptly named "fake news". Some of it is positive fakery, as in the multi-year attemp to brand Trump a Russian spy. Some of it is negative fakery, as in the non-coverage of Rep. Swalwell's liasion with a Chinese mata hari or Vice-President Biden's heavy-handedness with the Ukraine to stop it from investigating the company that was paying his son hundreds of thousands of dollars. Discussion and examples can be found in the sources below.

The New York Times

Fukushima tidal wave examples

Media Coordination

Great Thunberg's accidentally leaked instructions from her handlers.

Like the wider Trump-Russia story itself, which magically vanished from coverage before both the 2018 and 2020 election seasons, audiences were asked for a time to care about certain things as if their lives depended on it, then just as quickly asked to forget the issues ever came up. And they wonder why people feel manipulated?

We went through many of these episodes, from Bountygate to the “mass hysterectomies” story to the recent spate of “What if Trump blows up the universe?” scare-o-grams (Forbes, echoing the famed “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is Still Dead” construction, wrote the best of these, with “Enraged and Isolated, Donald Trump Still Has Sole Control of America’s Nukes”).

We were repeatedly told that revealing the name of this or that patriotic news source would “risk lives,” only to have those sources turn out to be people like paid DNC researcher Christopher Steele, the “informant” Stefan Halper (exposed as an FBI source in the press in the eighties), or Brookings Institution fellow Igor Danchenko, who produced the pee tape tale over “beers” at a conversation made in “jest” with a pal in Moscow. Needless to say, no lives were ever threatened, and in many of those cases — Steele’s especially — the rationale for keeping the person’s name and employer a secret was clearly corrupt.

"New York Times’ 'Caliphate' debacle should teach Americans ‘not to trust’ once-proud paper, critics say"

Axios, one of the more aggressive and fairer online news outlets, revealed in December that failed presidential candidate and Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California developed a relationship with a suspected Chinese spy ... ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the story entirely when it broke. The major broadcast networks continued to ignore it even after Republicans moved to have the congressman removed from the intelligence committee. NBC has nothing on its website about the Chinese spy scandal. Neither does CBS or ABC. The New York Times, the Associated Press, and the Los Angeles Times, similarly have avoided reporting on the scandal. ...

Next, there is Democratic Georgia Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock, whose ex-wife, Ouleye Ndoye, is on tape alleging assault by her former spouse. Ndoye told Atlanta law enforcement officials in March that Warnock had run over her foot during a domestic dispute, according to a police report obtained this month by the Washington Examiner. ...Neither NBC, nor CBS, nor ABC has reported on her allegations. The Washington Post hasn’t touched the story. The New York Times has not touched the story. CNN hasn’t touched the story. MSNBC hasn’t touched the story. The New Yorker hasn’t touched the story. And so on. Just a brief reminder: The New York Times and the New Yorker share a Pulitzer Prize for their #MeToo coverage...

Hunter Biden revealed in December that he is under federal investigation. The FBI, the IRS, and federal prosecutors in Delaware are reviewing his overseas business activities for possible tax and money laundering violations. Evidence of the investigation, which launched in 2018, first came to light in October after the New York Post revealed the existence of a laptop that reportedly belonged to the president-elect’s son. ...The New York Post's coverage was questioned and ridiculed for weeks by competing newsrooms, including the New York Times, Politico, and MSNBC, which alleged, without a shred of evidence, that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. The New York Post was even locked out of its Twitter account because of its laptop coverage.

Its been just more than two months since Axios dropped its bombshell report documenting Eric Swalwell's relationship with a Chinese spy.

The extent of Swalwell's coverage in the @nytimes features two articles on his role as impeachment manager with no mention of the scandal.

Follow the link to see the NYT article.