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I WILL COPY THE LINK ADDRESSES BELOW INTO THE ZOOM CHAT BOX. If you arrive late, you might not see them, because I think you don't get to see chat box entries from before you arrive in zoom. If so, send me a chat message and I'll repost them.

This page has documents for J. Mark Ramseyer and Eric Rasmusen's Harvard Law and Economics Seminar of March 30, 2021. Below ares links to the paper, the slides, and the handout. We will be skipping many of the slides today. Some questions fort he audience:

1. Polarization. asdfasd

2. Pie Splitting. sdfsddf


Slides: https://rasmusen.org/papers/slides/slides_polarization.pdf

Handout: https://rasmusen.org/papers/slides/handout_polarization.pdf

Notes: https://rasmusen.org/papers/polarization.pdf