Books To Read

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General View of the Criminal Law of England, James Stephen (1863).

Memorabilia, Xenophon.

An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Adam Ferguson.

Henry Friendly: Greatest Judge of His Era, by Dorsen.

"The Registers of the Consistory of Geneva at the Time of Calvin: Volume 1: 1542-1544," 2002, by Mrs. Isabella M. Watt (Editor), Mr. Robert M. Kingdon (Editor), Mr. Thomas A. Lambert (Editor).

The Faces of Judicial Independence: Democratic versus Bureaucratic Accountability in Judicial Selection, Training, and Promotion in South Korea and Taiwan Author(s): NEIL CHISHOLM Source: The American Journal of Comparative Law , FALL 2014, Vol. 62, No. 4 (FALL 2014), pp. 893-949