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For example plastic and metallic surfaces that are visually ‘cleaner’ are in general less safe than, say, a dirty wooden plank in a butcher shop. This has

been shown numerous times by bacteriologists, as wood contains tannic molecules (tannic acids = antiseptics) and has a more complex surface than plastic/metals. (see Nese et al, 1994). 8-12 hours on cloths, papers and tissues (Bean et al., J Inf. Dis. 1982). What is very important to note is that one can get the virus transferred from these surfaces but the virus did not survive more than 5 minutes on the hands. This without ANY disinfectant – our skin protects itself, due to its pH and porosity. So cleaning hands and keeping hands clean surely helps a lot. Soap vs. disinfectant? Alcohol-based hand sanitizers while getting rid of the viruses, do not kill off Noroviruses, and E. coli – soap does."

"Hence we can breathe the particles but usually without becoming sick. Sometimes we do. Most viruses can infect (Tellier et al. 2019),

although the chance of getting sick is lower, one gets enough particles to get immunized, as the immune system works best at very low doses. There were early (February 2020) a few reports labeled by the press as “mystery cases” as they showed no trace of contamination by any contact – those were NOT so mysterious, they are part of what is called ‘community’ infections. Lots of people without having being even sick may have gotten the virus and have already safely immunized themselves (see numerous independent data about this crucial point in the Note 9 Statistics). This airborne element is what convinced Sweden to NOT fight human-human contacts, as it would no longer be useful anymore [See Note 9]. Once the virus is in the air, tracing it via contacts becomes useless."

"Why aren’t we not putting filters where needed ? In aeration/ventilation/HVAC systems instead of

the noses of whole populations? 5. Never forget that what is useful to protect health care workers may be of very dubious uselfulness to protect the citizenry. Human contacts are a much more important risk for health care workers than for the average person."