The economics profession

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Claudia Sahm's 2020 firing from her think tank job for writing a blog post critical of the economics establishment and the post that got her fired.


People sometimes ask me about honoraria, and my answer is that I'd like whatever honorarium your group customarily pays for similar events. If it doesn't normally pay an honorarium, I'll generally be glad to do it for free; I view it as part of the "service" component of a professor's job ("research / teaching / service"), and it's part that I enjoy. But if you'd like to send me a locally themed care package (three places so far have done that), especially items that I can display or eat or drink on the video, I think that makes for a fun extra connection for the audience—a little bit more like I was physically there. In any case, please let me know if some group you're involved with would be interested. --Professor Eugene Volokh, (2021)